Thursday, March 13, 2025

    New Scientific Research: Vaccinated are More Than Twice as Likely to Be Infected with Covid-19 than Unvaccinated


    by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

    New scientific research shows that the vaccinated are more than twice as likely to be infected with Covid-19 than those who had a prior infection.

    This research shows that Covid-19 vaccines are associated with more spread of the virus reveals that the Big Lie that vaccines “stop the spread” was even worse than at first glance. Public health officials’ arguments that “vaccine passports” would help protect communities from the spread of the virus turns out to be entirely fraudulent. The emotional appeal that Covid vaccines somehow protect your family members is now shown to be entirely without merit. The brazen claim that Covid-19 was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” turns out to be completely bogus.

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    Vaccination is a personal health decision. It should be left up to a patient and a doctor. That is the end of the discussion.

    The American Public Health Association article revealed the false claim that mRNA shots would stop the spread of Covid-19 was even worse than misleading — it was the exact opposite.

    “Six months after the index date, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly higher in vaccine recipients (6.7%) than the previously infected (2.9%),” the researchers found.

    There was further problems for claims about the mRNA shots that was uncovered by the researchers. The study found that the mRNA vaccines were effective at preventing emergency room visits and deaths in those who do not have prior infections, but at a far lower rate than the “100% safe and effective” claim that accompanied the vaccine rollouts.

    All-cause mortality in the vaccinated, however, was 37% lower than that of the previously infected,” the researchers add. “The rates of all-cause ED visits and hospitalizations were 24% and 37% lower in the vaccinated than in the previously infected.”

    The study is flawed in at least one aspect: The researchers started counting infections 30 days after the first mRNA shot, which is a period when many report being particularly vulnerable to infection. Furthermore, the researchers did not count an infection for a vaccinated individual six months after receiving the mRNA shots. Thus, inclusion of that data would make the performance look much worse for the Covid shots.

    The Washington Post recently drove another nail in the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” coffin with its analysis that the majority of Americans dying from Covid-19 were at one point “fully vaccinated.”

    “For the first time, a majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine,” the Post analysis conceded.

    Another recent study, released in December 2022, shows that the bivalent vaccine had only a modest benefit that waned rapidly. The pre-print study based on Cleveland Clinic employees shows how quickly the boosters wear off.

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