Former Spy Says Biden Is a “Controlled Asset” of the CCP – Biden’s Actions Show This Is the Case


    by Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

    We asked back in 2020 who would be leading the country if Joe Biden became President. The options were China, Soros, Obama or all of the above.

    China has Biden right where they want him.

    Here are some of the stories we reported since July 2022 where the Biden gang has been bending over backward for China.

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    Gordan Chang said that we may never know if China has blackmail material on Biden.  However, former spy Sam Faddis is more direct and says Biden is a “controlled asset” of the CCP.

    Just before the 2020 election, 51 former intelligence officials falsely claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian disinformation operation. Thanks to Elon Musk, we now know that Twitter colluded with Joe Biden’s campaign, the Democratic Party, the mainstream media and the FBI to prevent American voters from learning the truth —  namely, that the Democrats’ presidential nominee and his family had knowingly taken millions of dollars from Chinese intelligence officers.

    patriotic former U.S. spy named “Sam” Faddis — who recruited and ran foreign agents for America for many years — is convinced that, as a result of this collective betrayal of the public trust, we elected as president a “controlled asset” of Chinese intelligence.

    The new House of Representatives must make exposing and evaluating the potentially catastrophic national security repercussions of such a dangerous penetration — and taking corrective action — its first order of business.

    Listen to the above with Frank Gaffney in the clip below:

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