Canadian Masters To Slave Children: You’ll Be On Santa’s “Naughty List” Unless Your Vaxxed


    by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

    The Canadian government put out a propaganda video telling the children that they rule over that unless they get the COVID-19 injection, they will be on Santa’s “naughty list.” The propaganda has gone beyond adults, and the sociopaths are so desperate to inject more of the slave class that they are now targeting children.

    Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear

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    The Canadian government put out a propaganda video telling the children that they rule over that unless they get the COVID-19 injection, they will be on Santa’s “naughty list.” The propaganda has gone beyond adults, and the sociopaths are so desperate to inject more of the slave class that they are now targeting children.

    Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear

    A whopping 80.5% of Canada’s population has already completed their “series” of COVID-19 vaccinations. But only around 23% have been willing to get the booster shot. Parents in Canada also do not appear to be willing to inject their children either, with vaccine uptake in 0-4 years olds at only 3.5%. That’s most likely why the ruling class is targeting children in their newest propaganda campaign.

    Dr. Tam begins the video with the “good news” that the vast majority of Canadians have made the nice list this year after having been vaccinated.

    And “Mrs. Claus” responds: “It just warms my heart to see everyone in Canada, especially kids, working so hard to keep the holidays safe…” The suggestion is that the minority of citizens who remain unvaccinated or without their boosters are “naughty”.  –ZeroHedge

    The message is clear: good children are obedient slaves and get the vaccine when their master commands it. Bad children are unvaccinated.

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