As Gov’t Fails Them Americans Quickly Realize the Power of Gun Rights, AR-15s and Private Police


    by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

    One of the most talked-about issues of the election cycle this year was crime, its massive increase, and what to do about it. Political blowhards on the right and the left jockeyed for your vote by telling you how they would fix the problem if you just vote them in. But in reality, Democrats and Republicans have long failed their constituencies with their role in creating one of the most oppressive, violent, expensive and outright ineffective security forces on the planet.

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    In the land of the free, recent research shows that 70% of robberies, 66% of rapes, 47% of aggravated assaults, and 38% of murders go unsolved each year. These numbers are showing no signs of decreasing either.

    The majority of the “crimes” police stop in the act are victimless infractions like jaywalking, seatbelt violations, license plate lights, window tint, and other laws designed for the generation of revenue. It is extremely rare that a cop will stop an assault, robbery, murder or rape.

    As we’ve learned recently, the rise in crime has nothing to do with how much money is spent on America’s police force. In fact, we have the largest and most expensive police force in the world — despite the right claiming they were “defunded” — and some of the worst crime rates, proving that throwing money at cops does nothing to prevent crime.

    In reality, America’s law enforcement system actually creates an environment for criminal activity, fostering bad behavior and ensuring a perpetual cycle of violence and incarceration.

    For decades there has been a perfect storm brewing in this country as minorities and poor people have their doors kicked in and are terrorized by cops during botched raids for substances deemed illegal by the state and watch helplessly as their family members die in video after video at the hands of cops. Now, we have record unemployment, cops murdering people on video and facing no immediate charges, and those in charge sit at the top, point fingers, and dole out more of your tax dollars.

    Because the system will always refuse to accept responsibility for the situation it has forced onto the people, the blame game always comes next — and it is always misguided.

    Naturally, this will never lead to any positive change. It will only prolong suffering, create more divide, and perpetuate a system of injustice for decades to come. However, those who want to incite peaceful change have been pushing these ideas out for a long time.

    One facet of solving this debacle is removing the monopoly on policing and allowing competition in the market for private security forces.

    American police officers can be corrupt, kill with impunity, and are rarely held accountable because Americans have no other choice. We are stuck with them. In any other job market on the planet, if they had a death toll of 1,000 Americans a year, they would be out of business overnight. However, because cops have a monopoly on law enforcement in America, the death toll keeps rising.

    By allowing competition in law enforcement, the incentives for policing would drastically shift. Violent police departments would be fired and replaced with less violent ones. Cops would have an incentive to serve their communities by solving real crimes like rape and murder instead of kidnapping and caging people for victimless crimes.

    If this sounds like a pipe dream to you, then you’ve probably never heard of Dale Brown.

    Dale Brown of Detroit’s “threat management center” has shown that crime can be stopped and lives can be saved by independent people using nonlethal tactics.

    In areas of Detroit where police don’t answer 911 calls, Dale Brown took matters into his own hands and started taking those calls himself, and because Dale was not “above the law” as police officers claim to be, he had to solve these crimes without hurting people, because he would actually be held accountable for his actions.

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