Two Extremes on the Competency Spectrum — Kari Lake & John Fetterman


    by Dr. Steve LaTulippe, America Outloud:

    A comparison of Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and Pennsylvania Senate-elect John Fetterman is a restating of the opening line of Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities. “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” Only with a twist. It was the best of minds; it was the worst of minds.

    If every governor had the passion and clear thinking of Kari Lake, America’s state would quickly unite and rise again to power, setting the stage for national greatness. Since the Deep State government still controls election outcomes, Arizona’s next governor still has yet to be declared.

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    Will it take days? Weeks? It could. After all, Ms. Lake’s dubious opponent, Katie Hobbs, is head of elections in Arizona. Enough said. But let me say more. Kari Lake is also promoting issues that would greatly bolster Arizona and the United States. She aims to finish the border wall. End election fraud. Stop public school Communist indoctrination, and halt child trafficking and abuse. She aspires to make Arizona great! This makes her a serious threat to the Communist-Democrat Party, including Katie Hobbs.

    Secretary of State Katie Hobbs ran as poor a campaign as any Democrat ever has — denying all her party’s failures, touting empty successes, and hiding past personal atrocities that include racist scandals and election oversight incompetency. Her refusal to publicly debate her opponent seems to be a new Democrat strategy that favors ballot manipulation over the hard work of discussing issues that might actually benefit those she claims to represent. Hobbs has no intention of doing anything good for Arizonans. Instead, she is a committed team player in destroying America. In short, Katie Hobbs is no match for the sharp and focused mind of Kari Lake. And she knows it.

    Kari’s wisdom and insight that called out her opponent’s true motives remind me of President Trump’s bold courage. She has no problem calling evil what it is, and her assessment of the current regime’s fifty shades of wickedness is actually based on a Christian standard of right and wrong. The majority of Arizona residents supported her. Most Americans are proud of her patriotic spirit. This mother of four children stood up and claimed she’d had enough, and that fire appealed to every mama bear in the country who is now labeled a terrorist threat by Biden’s FBI. Her message has won the hearts of millions of hard-working, middle-class victims of government oppression. Kari’s intelligence, acumen, and bravery speak to all God-fearing patriotic Americans. On the competency spectrum, her meter is pegged!

    Then comes John Fetterman, the Lurch look-alike whose post-stroke receptive and expressive aphasia (can’t understand, can’t respond) render him the perfect Deep State, politician. Even MSNBC host Katy Tur recognized his zombie state as sufficient to qualify him for presidential candidacy. This is not comedy, but straight talk direct from media propagandists. Fetterman cannot process speech, cannot put thoughts into words, and can barely walk. How fortuitous for the wretched among us. He’s a prime target to give Obama a fourth presidential term. Just put that little bug in Fetterman’s ear, and he will do his miserable best to carry out Obama’s every dark wish.

    Take notice: the competency spectrum, broad as it may be, is weighted on either end. Fetterman even exceeds unhinged Joe Biden in mental deficiency. Add to these the likes of Alexandria Cortez, Stacey Abrams, Maxine Waters, and you get the feeling that cognitive disarray — otherwise known as brain dysfunction — is a useful tool in the Party of Mind Control. It makes sense. Shallow brains combined with shallow spirits make for a strong tool in the quest to exploit a population. But how do such abnormal minds actually get elected?

    The honest and reasonable answer is they don’t. They are inserted into the rogue fabric by the same dictators who now design and control election outcomes. After 2000 Mules and evident midterm election turmoil, the failed “Red Wave” must be called a product of election crimes. You can’t have three-quarters of the U.S. population saying the government is ruining us and expect a vote for the perpetrators in the very states that feel the pinch most. Joe Biden parrots, “No more drilling!” and “Stop the coal production!” How then can we expect Pennsylvanians to elect this man? It just doesn’t make any sense.

    Surely most Americans align with Kari Lake, whose mindset correlates with such greats as President Trump, Governor Ron DeSantis, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, Governor Kristi Noem, and all those who are crying out for justice, liberty, and common sense. How could it be otherwise? Recall how many millions have crossed over to the Red side as a result of our domestic enemy’s charades. Many more are likely to follow them because this enemy claims free reign. The red wave that didn’t happen was not a fluke. The tsunami fizzled because corrupted elections are now a new normal.

    Now, let’s gaze into the mirror, mirror on the wall. What do you see? Do you behold an honest person? Or a compromiser? Does testosterone flow through your blood? Or are you facing an invertebrate-class specimen? Do you consider yourself to be intelligent? Kind? Faithful to God and country? Please take the time to discover yourself and rightly judge what and who is staring back at you in the looking glass.

    The world might figure out who you claim to be by your words. But your actions disclose the real you. What makes the competency spectrum elites so great is not just their superior intelligence and God-given wisdom, but also their bravery! That’s what I like most about Kari Lake. She is willing to put her reputation on the line. And that is why I despise the selfish, life-squandered Fetterman so much.

    As we witness our lives on American soil nosediving into despair, we would do well to reconsider what gift we might give back to our country in hopes of salvaging her. Compromise and cowardice must end. If life is so precious to ourselves that we would not share it with those in need, we have missed the point of living. We have failed miserably in giving to God what is rightly His. I say this to every politician, every church leader, every parent and grandparent, every race who partakes of America’s blessings.

    We needn’t be morose about this great Union’s future, but as we observe the harnessing of law, order, and everything good, as depicted by yet another heisted election in critical states, I’d say we had better start purposefully strategizing on how to destroy our domestic enemy. What’s certain is that this foe is still advancing toward its chief goal of toppling America. I vote that we now focus on neutralizing this adversary before they return us to ashes. But who knows if my vote will even count?

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