Twitter Fact Checks Joe Biden After He Accuses Platform of “Spewing Lies”


    by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

    Think you need to give more context Joe

    For the second time in the space of a week, Twitter has ‘fact checked’ a post by the Biden Administration concerning gas prices.

    Biden again fell foul of Twitter’s ‘Birdwatch’ system, with a post that read “Right now, the most common price at gas stations across the country is $3.19 per gallon. That’s progress.”

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    A note was added to the post, offering more context from readers.

    “Biden is referring to the ‘most common gas price’ as opposed to the average gas price of $3.800 (11/6/22). The most common is the ‘mode’ gas price. Neither are wrong and politicians tend to reference the one that is lower. The mode diminishes high gas states from the equation,” the note reads.

    The added context also provided links to the American Automobile Association website and a Wall Street Journal article that lays out exactly what the mode and average gas prices are.

    However, at time of writing the fact check now appears to have been withdrawn.

    Others were not so… diplomatic in their responses to Biden:

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