How the U.S. Government Uses the Dollar as a Weapon


    from Birch Gold Group:

    In recent months there has been more and more mainstream exposure of something called “ESG,” which stands for “Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance.” The concept was openly established in 2005 through the United Nations Environment Program Initiative and was designed to entice various corporations and nations into adopting UN environmental policies, including their climate change regulations. Those organizations that conformed stood to gain various geopolitical benefits as well as monetary benefits.

    The true effects of ESG did not become visible until the past six years, however, as the UN and their corporate partners expanded ESG further into the realm of social engineering using woke politics. Extreme leftist terminology like equity, diversity, intersectionality, shareholder capitalism, etc. were not widely espoused politically until just a few years ago, and this is largely due to the influences of ESG.

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    With multiple major banking conglomerates and non-profits involved along with governments, there has been an expansive rise in the amount of ESG loans that can be received by a business if they espouse a set of approved woke viewpoints. There are even ESG credit scoring systems which rank companies based on their compliance with social justice ideology. The higher the score the more money they could have access to.

    The only thing stopping ESG from taking over the corporate world today is the reality of rising interest rates in the face of inflation which makes borrowing much more expensive. That said, even central banks are considering a commitment to greater participation in the program. The Bank for International Settlements, the “central bank of central banks” which creates foundational policy measures that national central banks around the world follow, has its own ESG metrics which are already being applied to lending standards everywhere.

    As central banks seek to increase their role in the ESG game, the question is how far will all this go? What we have seen so far is a disturbing trend among corporations and banking outfits which ignores profits and instead focuses on political saturation. In other words, corporations under the influence of ESG and other incentives are willing to discriminate against large swaths of the population based on their political principles. They no longer even try to present an objective or neutral position, they are openly hostile to anyone that does not support far-left ideology.

    I sometimes hear the argument that the notion of a one-world conspiracy is unrealistic because there is no corporate/political monolith that could pull off such an agenda. But it takes an incredible level of willful ignorance to remain unaware of what ESG represents, not to mention the vast collusion that is otherwise openly admitted to, like the Council on Inclusive Capitalism which encompasses large numbers of corporate partners along with politicians, banking elites and even the Vatican.

    Yes, there is a global conspiracy.

    Yes, it is a monolith.

    And yes, there is endless evidence to support this reality.

    I don’t need to delve deeply into the purposes of this monolith to acknowledge the reality of its existence. What is important for now is to understand the process of centralization that is taking place as well as the monetary weapons that will be used to make it happen.

    Money is a weapon, and finance is force

    First and foremost, there is the threat of economic exclusion. We saw this tactic blatantly attempted during the covid lockdowns. In the U.S. numerous corporations required vaccines for employees and eventually customers.

    What was the motive? Either they genuinely believed that vaccination would save lives, would prevent employees from infecting customers and one another, would make both employees and customers feel safer, reduce productivity lost to illness – in other words, the obvious motives they’d want you to believe…

    Alternately, they wanted an economy in which people could be denied the basic right of participation if they did not comply with some arbitrary rule. They used the pandemic and Covid vaccines as an excuse to pick and choose who was allowed to get a job, come to work, get health care, even shop at grocery stores and other public places. They wanted ultimate economic authority.

    We must never forget what they tried to do!

    Anyone who claims there is no establishment “conspiracy” to centralize the world is truly a fool. We just witnessed an open attempt over the past couple of years to do this very thing. We can debate the motives all day long, but even without considering the motives, it’s quite plain to see what the effects of those policies were. Suddenly, corporations were empowered to choose who would be allowed to participate in the economy.

    Covid ultimately failed to get the establishment what they really wanted. Now that the acute phase of the crisis has passed, now that Covid kills hundreds of Americans daily, rather than thousands, the establishment is turning to the next crisis to promote their agenda.

    In order to ultimately succeed in their plan, the elitists need certain tools in place that they don’t quite have yet.

    From weaponized money to money of mass destruction

    The Federal Reserve already controls the U.S. money supply – which enables them to expand and contract the global pool of dollars on a whim, sparking inflation or stagnation as they wish.

    That’s bad enough.

    Now, imagine a federal bureau that didn’t control just the supply of money, but instead controlled every single dollar. Not just who gets money, but what they can spend it on. Who they can transfer it to. Furthermore, imagine every single dollar has its own transaction history permanently recorded, removing all privacy in trade. Whether or not an individual can even access their own money

    This is a brief description of central bank digital currencies (CDBCs, which I’ve written about before).

    By extending the ESG policies I described above into a “social credit system” (much like the one used in China to monitor and control their citizens), such a FedCoin or digital dollar wouldn’t only be a tool of total financial surveillance, it would also become a tool to force political compliance with the regime’s goals.

    Sound far-fetched? China’s e-yuan digital currency already includes a citizen informant program that encourages people to report on their neighbors who say anything “unpatriotic.” A sub-par social credit score has far-reaching consequences, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP):

    Individuals who are deemed untrustworthy could face a number of restrictions affecting areas including loans, travelling by air and rail as well as education.

    As you’d expect from a totalitarian communist regime, it’s mostly sticks, very little carrot.

    From that same SCMP article, “the reward mechanism is not as developed as the sanctioning element.”

    China’s social credit system isn’t limited to individuals, either – even companies are monitored and judged:

    …companies that have been blacklisted could face higher inspection rates and targeted audits, restrictions in government approvals of land-use rights and investment permits. They may also be excluded from preferential policies, such as subsidies and tax rebates, as well as face restrictions on public procurement.

    Here in the U.S. we already have credit scores – which, to a greater or lesser degree, determine who’s allowed to access the credit system. We already have massive commercial databases tracking our financial transactions. And we already have an “independent” arm of the federal government that controls the money supply.

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