How many children have been killed worldwide by Operation Herod?


    by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

    Justin Trudeau’s not the only one whose head WILL roll when parents finally face what’s happened to THEIR kids under COVID. Here’s evidence from the US, Argentina, Italy, Switzerland, the Philippines.

    Justin Trudeau’s not the only one whose head WILL roll when parents finally face what’s happened to THEIR kids under COVID. Here’s evidence from the US, Argentina, Italy, Switzerland, the Philippines.
    TRUTH LIVES on at

    I wish I could unsee that twisted show, despite its flashes of demonic humor. Somehow Trudeau was spared the standard “vaccination” protocol, as if in winking recognition that that protocol is utter bullshit after all—just like those masks, which Trudeau and the “pharmacist” did not wear, until the moment of injection, right after which both actors slipped them off. (So masks are now “effective” only during “vaccination”?)

    News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    How come that “pharmacist” did not fill the syringe up from a vial of the “vaccine,” but somehow had it filled already? (Do they keep a freezer stocked with filled syringes, for special people in a hurry, like Trudeau?) How come, although the “pharmacist” put on that mask, he wasn’t wearing gloves? And how come Trudeau wasn’t told to sit there for 15 minutes afterward, but was allowed to stand and sermonize about how all Canadians must now “keep everyone safe this winter,” by doing to themselves, and—especially—their “kids,” what Trudeau just pretended to have done to his majestic self? Maybe Trudeau figured that he wouldn’t look sufficiently dynamic, parked there on his privileged ass for 15 minutes. Or maybe the entire charade was Trudeau’s way of hinting that the rules apply to everyone but him. In any case, the whole show was so plainly unconvincing as to be almost funny.

    But it isn’t—not at all—because mass murder, and especially of children, is no laughing matter. In order to convey the gravity of his ongoing crime against humanity, I followed that repulsive video with vivid evidence of what he’s done, and is still doing, to children in his country: a column on the gruesome state of Montreal’s pediatric ERs (“like a horror film”), a piece about twelve babies “dying suddenly” in Nunevik (in Quebec), and then obituaries for twelve other children who dropped dead in Canada the last few weeks. As the toll of Trudeau’s “vaccination” drive becomes so clearly catastrophic that not even Canada’s “free press” can go on hiding it, his “safety” will no longer be assured, however many bodyguards surround him everywhere he goes.

    That day may be coming sooner than we think:

    But let’s not focus only on Trudeau, who, uniquely loathsome though he is, is only one of all too many heads of state involved in killing children, systematically, throughout the world.

    A certain 4-year-old has just “died suddenly” in Argentina:

    Poster Boy for Vaccination Campaign Dies Suddenly at Just 4 Years Old

    November 13, 2022

    In a tragic turn of events, Santino Godoy Blanco, just 4 years old, has passed away from pneumonia on Nov. 3, according to multiple reports.

    If that name sounds at all familiar to you, that’s because Blanco was the face of one of Argentina’s various vaccination campaigns.

    You can see an example of the type of campaign that Blanco was featured in below:

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