Google attempts to deter ‘election fraud’ searches with suggestions like ‘ejection fraction’


    by Emily Mangiaracina, LifeSite News:

    Google appears to be defying its normal algorithm in its auto-suggested completions for searches that begin to spell out ‘election fraud,’ and it cuts suggestions entirely for a fully typed ‘election fraud’ search.

    Google appears to be attempting to deter searches on “election fraud” by using auto-fill suggestions unrelated to elections.

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    Upon typing “election fr” or “election “fra” into Google’s search engine, instead of auto-suggesting phrases that begin with “election,” as would be typical, Google primarily suggests variations of “ejection fraction.”



    After typing in “election frau” or “election fraud,” Google’s auto-filled suggestions disappear entirely, another unusual occurrence.

    Ordinarily, during a Google search, suggestions are automatically listed to complete the already-typed letters with words, phrases or sentences understood to be commonly searched spin-offs of what has already been typed.

    This is clearly seen, for example, when one types in “election gu,” which Google then suggests can be completed with “election guide 2022,” or “election guidelines sample,” “election guy,” etc.

    Google’s above-noted auto-completions “ejection fraction” would theoretically ordinarily be because searches on “election fraud” are so rare as to be virtually nonexistent.

    This seems not to be the case, since many Americans have recently openly shared their belief that fraud affected some of the results of this month’s midterm elections, such as in the case of Arizona’s gubernatorial race.

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