Democrats will destroy America with these ultra-radical policies if they win the midterms


    by Raymond Wolfe, LifeSite News:

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    Several ultra-radical Democrat bills, including on abortionLGBT ideology, and elections, have already passed the House and have the endorsement of the Biden White House. They’ve languished in the Senate, however, due to opposition from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), and because both he and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) have refused to join the rest of Democratic senators in abolishing the 60-vote Senate filibuster threshold.

    But just two more votes in the Senate would let Democrats sidestep Manchin and Sinema, kill the filibuster, and pass whatever they want with a simple majority vote. Democratic Senate candidates in key races – including in Wisconsin, Ohio, North Carolina, Florida, and Pennsylvania – have pledged to do just that.

    Democrats would also be able to pass Biden’s original multi-trillion-dollar Build Back Better plan and make good on threats to expand the Supreme Court after the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Other radical bills, including on gun control, immigration, vaccination, and pro-LGBT “sex education” could follow.

    Make no mistake: A Democratic victory on Tuesday would destroy America as we know it, legalizing unrestricted abortion up to birth, outlawing dissent from the radical LGBT agenda, institutionalizing election fraud, and abolishing religious freedom for millions of Americans.

    Democrats’ far-left legislative agenda – including the misnamed Women’s Health Protection Act, Equality Act, and For the People Act – may be even more radical than you think.

    The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA)

    The WHPA, endorsed by all but two Democrats in Congress, would create a virtually unlimited national “right” to have or perform an abortion up to viability, and after viability if an abortionist says that killing a woman’s unborn baby is necessary for her “health.”

    Democrats claim the bill would “codify Roe v. Wade,” but it would go much farther even than Roe and ban any restriction on abortion that “impedes access to abortion services” or “implicitly” “singles out” abortion.

    “Factors a court may consider,” according to the bill, include whether a law is “reasonably likely to delay or deter” at least “some patients” from getting an abortion or could “indirectly” raise the cost of abortions.

    The WHPA specifically prohibits 11 different kinds of abortion restrictions, many of them widely popular, which include:

    • parental-consent requirements.
    • counseling and ultrasound requirements.
    • waiting periods.
    • health and safety regulations for abortion clinics.
    • admitting privilege laws.
    • requirements that only physicians perform abortions.
    • bans on telemedicine abortion.
    • bans on dismemberment abortion.
    • bans on sex-selective and eugenic abortion.
    • bans on abortion “at any point or points in time prior to fetal viability.”

    The bill, of course, would nullify live-saving, near-total bans that have taken effect in more than a dozen states since the reversal of Roe. Those laws are estimated to protect tens of thousands of babies each year.

    READ: Millions of unborn babies will face death if Democrats win the midterms

    Moreover, the Women’s Health Protection Act would likely force taxpayers to fund elective abortion by invalidating the federal Hyde Amendment, which prevents an estimated 60,000 annual abortions. 

    The WHPA also poses grave threats religious liberty. It specifically exempts itself from the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 and would jeopardize state and federal conscience protections for health care workers, including at religiously affiliated institutions, according to the Heritage Foundation:

    Because of the law’s vague references to patient “health” and its explicit instruction to courts to “liberally construe” the bill’s provisions, existing state and federal laws that prohibit discrimination based on moral or religious objections to abortion would be under threat.

    “The Women’s Health Protection Act, if passed, would be the single most destructive piece of legislation enacted in the history of our nation,” pro-life activist and Live Action president Lila Rose has said.

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