When It Comes to Conducting a War, the Kremlin Has Proven Its Incompetence


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    To be clear, I respect Putin as a person.  He is humane.  He cares about life and civilization. He is a good person.  In fact, he is proving to be too good of a person to be dealing with the venal and corrupt West, and he has no idea how to conduct a war.

    Putin thinks, or thought, that Russia and the West shared common values.  This shows how little Putin understands the West. The West is Washington, and the rest of the West are not independent countries but Washington’s puppets. None of Washington’s puppets represent their own citizens and neither does Washington. Washington’s values are measured only in dominance and money.

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    Washington is concerned only with its political, military, and financial hegemony over everyone else, including its own people who are waking up in each successive day in an ever tightening police state where the US Constitution is erased bit by bit, day by day.

    The FBI has become a Gestapo for the Democrat Party.  The Western media is a propaganda ministry for Washington. Truth that is inconsistent with the ruling official narratives is suppressed.  The government and its presstitutes feed the people lies and tell them it is truth.

    Putin gives speeches in which he shows that he understands this, but his actions do not reflect his understanding in his speeches.  The distance between Putin’s words and his action is almost infinite.

    The Kremlin had to be totally out of touch with reality when the Kremlin thought that its “limited military operation” in Donbass would be allowed by Washington to be limited.  How anyone in the Kremlin could possibly have been this naive, this gullible, this uninformed is beyond my imagination.

    How is it possible that the Kremlin could possibly have thought that after Washington went to the trouble to force Russian military intervention in Donbass, Washington didn’t intend to use it to greatly widen the war.  Here we witness the total failure of Russian intelligence and the total failure of Russian understanding of the enemy with which Russia is at war.  Indeed, it is not even clear that Russia understands that she is at war with the West.  Here and there a Russian says so, but Russia’s actions belie any such understanding.  The Kremlin is still trying to bail out Europe by supplying energy so Europe can continue its war against Russia.  How does one understand this?

    It has to be a first in History when a country at war supplies its enemies with the fuel with which to conduct war against itself.  The Kremlin is begging Europe to please let us sell you energy so your war industries don’t have to close down.  Could the Kremlin do anything else to make the Russian government look like the most confused government on earth?  https://www.rt.com/business/564148-novak-nord-stream-supplies-europe/ 

    Let’s put the origin of the ongoing and widening war in Ukraine in its factual context. In 2014 the American neoconservatives who dominate the American government overthrew the government in Ukraine while the Russian government, totally ignoring happenings in its backyard, was focused on trying to win Western acceptance as an Olympics host in Sochi.  In other words, the Kremlin thought the Olympics was more important than Ukraine.

    The Kremlin’s insouciance made Washington’s takeover of Ukraine a cake walk.  Suddenly, the Kremlin was faced with Ukrainian neo-Nazis prohibiting the use of the Russian language and terrorizing and killing ethnic Russians who comprise the population of Donbass and Crimea, historical parts of Russia that Soviet authorities moved from the Russian province of the Soviet Union to the Soviet Ukraine province.

    These Russian areas of Ukraine all voted by massive majorities to be reunited with their home country, but the Kremlin only accepted the application from Crimea, a part of Russia since the 1700s.  The Kremlin accepted Crimea, because that is where the Russian Black Sea Naval Base is located, leased since the Soviet collapse, from Ukraine which was separated from Russia by the Soviet collapse.

    By leaving the Donbass Russians hanging at the mercy of the US neoconservative coup, the Kremlin guaranteed a military conflict.  The punishment the Ukrainian neo-Nazis inflicted on the Donbass Russians resulted in the creation of two independent  republics:  Donetsk and Luhansk.  To defend themselves from being occupied by neo-Nazis, the two republics organized governments and militias. After loosing some of their territory to Ukrainian neo-Nazi militias, the Donetsk and Luhansk republics stopped the advance, but were subjected to artillery attacks for eight years on civilian housing that continue today.

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