The Dark Side of Ukraine


    by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

    QUESTION: You said Bucha was not a massacre by Russians but staged by the neo-Nazis. What proof do you have?


    ANSWER: I am glad you believe the one-sided propaganda. I know Ukraine well and its culture. I have reliable sources there. I do not reveal them for I must respect their protection. There is substantial evidence that this is typical Ukrainian propaganda. Even the US Pentagon refused to attribute this to Russia and I know NATO has videos proving this was staged. Even the Mayor posted a video on Telegram on March 31st announcing that the Russians left Bucha.

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    He was joyful that his town had been liberated. He does not mention any corpses on the roads and terrible destruction. It was two days later when photos and videos of people lying along the road appeared and claims of hundreds of dead Ukrainians. The Neo-Nazis have been staging war crimes from the start.

    There are numerous foreign soldiers who volunteered for Ukraine and then have returned shocked at the extent of the war crimes carried out by Ukrainians. You have no idea of the seething hatred of all Russian-speaking people in the Donbas or in Russia. A significant number of Ukrainians have no problem killing and torturing Russians. If you did your research, the extent of the cruelty of the Ukrainian Nazis even shocked the German Nazis. They would cut out a baby of a pregnant woman and so in a live cat. They killed countless people from Poland and the Russians as well as Jews.

    They do not teach what the Ukrainian Nazis did in Ukraine because it was too horrible. One report stated:

    “Some Ukrainian educators believe the Holocaust is not an appropriate topic for
    teaching because in a Holocaust course a professor would need to let Ukrainian
    students know that some Jews were betrayed to the Nazis by Ukrainian neighbors. In
    addition, the OUN and UPA took part in the annihilation of Jews in western Ukraine,
    and this knowledge can shock young Ukrainians. ” id/pg 205

    At Babi Yar, during the Ukrainian Holocaust of WWII, the Ukrainian Nazis murdered 33,000 Jews in the ravine over just two days. July 11th is the day of remembrance where the Ukrainian Nazis slaughtered 100,000 Polish and to this day, Ukraine has refused to issue a formal apology. The documentation is extensive. The sheer hatred of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis is unprecedented in history. They make the German Nazis look like boy scouts.

    The Polish Association of Memory of Victims of Crimes of Ukrainian Nationalists documented 135 methods of torture and murder practiced by Ukrainian Nazis. Poland officially called the Ukrainian actions genocide. The Ukrainians have been protected by the CIA for decades ONLY because they hated Russians. They continue to protect the Ukrainian Nazis only because they are waging war against Russia.

    The Ukrainians were unprecedented in their war crimes during WWII and the sheer outright cruelty one would expect only exists in some B-Rated horror movies. This included:

    • Running children through with stakes
    • Cutting a person’s throat and pulling their tongue out through the hole
    • Sawing a person’s torso in half with a carpenter’s saw
    • Cutting open the belly of a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy, removing the fetus, and replacing it with a live cat, before sewing up her abdomen.
    • Cutting open a pregnant women’s abdomen and pouring in broken glass
    • Nailing a small child to a door.


    I have videos that are too horrible to show of Ukrainians torturing Russian soldiers today, nailing them to a cross, and then setting them on fire. There are numerous foreign soldiers returning who are totally disgusted by what they have witnessed in Ukraine. One reported that they simply shot all the Russian soldiers they captured. Nobody will tell the truth because as long as they hate Russia, then Russia’s enemy is the West’s friend. The Ukrainian Neo-Nazis have been the most ruthless people I have ever encountered in history. Add to that, Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe even declared by the IMF. In fact, they may be the most corrupt in the world.

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