
    by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

    Over the years I’ve been writing books, doing interviews, and blogging on this site, I occasionally have had to deal with the subject of extra-terrestrials and UFOs. And during that time, I’ve noticed something, and perhaps you have too. But first – and one more time for the record – I am not a ufologist. Also, while I certainly am not philosophically opposed to the idea of the existence of other intelligent forms of life – I for one believe in angels for example, and if angels, why not “genetic cousins” out there of the genus homo? – my “default” is that I remain to be convinced.  The old stories certainly give the impression that we’ve been visited by the “cousins” before, from the Vedic literature, old Chinese and Japanese lore, Meso-American and South American and Mesopotamian stores… all have such tales.

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    They all more or less universally agree that many of the visitors were not very friendly, and not a few of those old tales speak of colossal wars fought with horrendously powerful weapons. In short, one has to search far and wide to find the modern “space and fairy dust jonquils and daisies and Disney” approach in those old stories.  My other caveat is that I do not believe UFOs are a single phenomenon, but rather, several distinctive phenomena. Some clearly are technologies, while some behave more like mediaeval stories of incubus and succubus.

    With all those caveats (once again) on the record, I’ve been noticing something, and whether it is a pattern, or merely a selection or perspective bias, I do not know, but my intuition tells me it’s a pattern, and that pattern has been the slow, gradual increase in stories about UFOs and extraterrestrials. Some “switch” was thrown recently, and the UFO, and extraterrestrials, once taboo subjects in the lamestream propatainment western media – and particularly the media in the USSA – suddenly became not only acceptable, but government “whistleblowers” started to step forward, complete with videos in some cases, to tell us all about how we’re not alone.

    With that perception of an “uptick” in stories emanating from “officialdom” I get the distinct impression that an ET narrative is being prepared all the while – and here comes my skeptical rain – no incontrovertible evidence has yet been forthcoming. In a world that can produce holograms of whales appearing to leap from a gymnasium floor, or Popes vanishing from Roman balconies, or former Skunk Works chiefs like Ben Rich allegedly making remarks to the effect that “we” found an “error” in the equations and could now take ET home… in a world like that, almost anything can be faked.

    In that context, V.T. sent along the following article:

    Is Earth Being Pummeled by Derelict Alien Spacecraft?

    Now notice the argument here: two substances were synthesized in laboratories, which substances might occur naturally but because of their unusual “layering” structure their natural occurence is highly unlikely. Discovering them in a meteor might therefore constitute a “technosignature” of an extra-terrestrial civilization:

    Between 1957 and 1968, scientists decided to try their hand at creating new minerals that could act as very effective conductors of electricity. They “invented” a pair: heideite and brezinaite.

    After a few years, the same minerals unexpectedly started showing up in fragments of meteorites that had landed on Earth. As it turns out, these weren’t materials that had to be invented—though how they were able to form outside the lab remained a mystery to scientists.

    Now, six decades later, a Venezuelan researcher is trying to connect the dots between the minerals those scientists made in labs and the same minerals that came crashing to Earth from space.

    Maybe, just maybe, those superconducting minerals that came from space are also artificial, B.P. Embaid, a physicist at Central University of Venezuela, hypothesized in a study—not yet peer-reviewed—that appeared online on Sept. 13.

    And if that’s the case, the minerals could be evidence of extraterrestrial technology—“technosignatures,” as scientists like to say. “It is important to be open-minded and even provocative to consider the following question: are these meteoritic minerals samples of extraterrestrial technosignatures?” Embaid wrote.

    But Embaid thinks brezinaite and heideite are so odd—with their unique formulations and layering—that there’s a good chance they’re always manufactured. A good chance, that is, that all the brezinaite and heideite in the galaxy come from labs—whether our labs or the labs of some alien civilization. “The genesis of these meteoritic minerals could require [a] controlled and sophisticated process not easily found in nature,” Embaid wrote.

    Maybe. Ravi Kopparapu, an expert in technosignature research at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, told The Daily Beast we need a lot more data before we start making bold claims about brezinaite and heideite. “Believability is robust only when additional experiments are conducted, and verified independently, that these are not natural.”

    Scientists should scour space for evidence of some natural process that inputs chromium, iron, sulfur and titanium and outputs, say, heideite. They should be looking for proof that nature can’t make brezinaite or heideite on its own.

    “If many attempts are made and this hypothesis is still unfalsified, then we may start asking ourselves about the possibility that these minerals were made by industrial processes—in other words, that they are technosignatures,” Jacob Haqq-Misra, an astrobiologist with the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science in Seattle, told The Daily Beast.

    If it’s the case that brezinaite and heideite are exclusively synthetic, the implication is clear. Any meteorite we find that contains brezinaite or heideite isn’t some natural space rock. It’s a fragment of alien technology—specifically, “derelict technology,” according to Embaid. Remains of long-defunct spacecraft or probes.

    Now why do I think this is “narrative prep”?  Very simple. It should be relatively easy for scientists to contrive experiments that could suggest or prove that these minerals and materials could form naturally under special conditions. If so, then the other thing that would be proven is how common or rare such natural processes would be. Conversely, if the “layering” feature is a pattern much more typical for manufacturing than natural occurrence, again experimentation should eventually show it.

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