Lunatic, Hawk John Bolton Calls for Regime Change in Russia


    by Jose Nino, Big League Politics:

    On October 5, 2022, former national security adviser John Bolton declared that only “regime change” in Russia can maintain geopolitical stability in Europe. Bolton put forward the idea of funding Russian “dissidents’ ‘ who could forge an alliance of convenience with mid-level officers to topple the government President Vladimir Putin in a coup.

    “There is no long-term prospect for peace and security in Europe without regime change in Russia,” Bolton declared in an article titled “Putin Must Go” that was published in the online journal 1945.

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    Change “must involve far more than simply replacing Putin,” proclaimed Bolton. “The whole regime must go.”

    Bolton is the quintessential superhawk. When he served as former President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Bolton was a fervid proponent of regime change policies in Cuba, Iran, and Venezuela. As a report by Russia Today observed, Bolton “derailed Trump’s diplomacy with North Korea.”

    “Carefully assisting Russian dissidents to pursue regime change might just be the answer,” Bolton contended. “The key is for Russians themselves to exacerbate divisions among those with real authority, the siloviki [Russian power elite]… Once regime coherence and solidarity shatter, change is possible.”

    Bolton asserted that “Russians are already discussing it, quietly, for obvious reasons” and brushed off concerns that Russia is a nuclear power, saying “that is no more an argument against seeking regime change than against assisting Ukrainian self-defense.” 

    He also blamed Russia for undermining the US government “for many decades” and destroying its own Nord Stream pipelines.

    “Washington’s obvious strategic objective is having Russia aligned with the West, a fit candidate for NATO, as we hoped after the Soviet Union’s breakup,” Bolton contended. The US goal “of a peaceful and secure Europe… remains central to our national interests. This is no time to be shy,” Bolton said in a concluding remark.

    Bolton is a consummate hawk. He plays the unilateral bad cop to the neoliberal’s humanitarian interventionist good cop. The fact that Bolton is still respected in public policy circles shows how far foreign policy decision-making has degraded in the US.

    BLP has previously reported on Bolton’s deep-seated hatred towards former President Donald Trump. This is no surprise given how Bolton is a fixture of the DC political establishment.

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