Joe Biden: Wartime Leader of the Black Soul Brigade


    by Fletch Daniels, American Thinker:

    As the midterms approach, the great unifier decided that it is a good time to start emphasizing his “unifyingness.”

    He put out a bizarre and delusional text that both bragged about his vision and achievements and claimed he is a president for every American and will not leave anyone behind.

    This followed the White House’s United We Stand summit in September, in which, in full Don Quixote style, Biden tilted against the phantom forces of white supremacy and hate, which from Bidentongue translates into anyone who didn’t vote for him.

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    The problem for Biden is that after you have declared war on half of the country while power-charging the misery index, it is not possible to pivot to unity, even if your internal polls scream that you should.

    From day one, he has acted as if he is a wartime president overseeing actions against the 74 million Americans who did not vote for him, even going so far as to say that “brave, right-wing Americans” would need modern fighter jets to stand up against him.

    No administration in history has tried to pull off what his has done, which is to declare anyone who doesn’t vote for a Democrat to be the enemy.  When Biden uses the phrase “MAGA Republican,” that roughly translates to any Republican not named Kinzinger or Cheney, a number that is growing as Biden voters experience increasingly acute buyer’s remorse, perhaps because they can no longer afford to buy anything.

    Even impeachment-voting Senator Ben Sasse saw how little currency that bought him this week, since those charming denizens of the left put all Republicans into their hate-filled cauldron.

    While the Democrat media pretend Biden is talking about a small group, he isn’t, and neither are they.  On an MSNBC panel this week, a Brookings fellow, Shadi Hamid, commented to a nodding Jen Psaki, former mouthpiece of the regime, “So then we have to find a way to live with them (74 million Trump-supporters) even if we think they’re bad people, even if we think they’re a threat to everything we hold dear.”

    It is a small hop from language and thinking like that to some of the worst atrocities in history.  Democrats are already doing all in their power to marginalize, demonize, and silence.

    Who are these “bad” people whom they hate so much?  They are Americans who believe in quaint things like the Constitution, limited government, faith in God, equality, family, borders, national interests, and public safety.

    Most of these objects of Democrat hate don’t even care that much about politics or even hate them back.

    Who they are not?  Marxists, fascists, racists, supremacists, and just about every other “ist” word they they’ve been smeared with by the projectionist-in-chief and his merry band of hate-filled extremists.

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