Hey Jim Acosta! The time for honoring yourself at CNN will soon be at an END! – Breaking report


    by Fred T, The Right Scoop:

    Jon Nicosia, who correctly reported Brian Stelter was marked for death at CNN before it was announced, says that the person next on the chopping block is the networks slimy, underhanded, greasy, dishonest, conniving modern-day Commodus, Jim Acosta.

    So … Buh-Bye Jimbo!!

    Nicosia first reported three days ago that another big name was about to be gone from CNN as Discovery continues to clean house. He quoted an executive at the company saying the mystery person “does not have a place in the new CNN. He reminds us of the Zucker period we are looking to move far from. The only reason he is still on air was not to look like we were ‘cleaning house’ for political reasons right after the closing.”

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    Today Nicosia says he has the name, and that name is loudmouth opinion host who would have been radical on Air America or MSNBC, much less CNN, but masquerades as a journalist because the corrupt media is into that, Jim stinking Acosta.

    That second tweet is kind of important to the whole story because what he is saying, or his source is saying, is that it may not be as easy with Jim as it was with Stelter, because there are people at CNN who actually like Acosta. And while that’s hilarious as a burn on Stelty, it does not speak well of the network’s health overall that anyone could possibly object to his being given the boot.

    But that’s important because it could mean a drawn out effort or even a FAILED one, if the pushback is too much.

    Sooner or later Acosta would be gone from CNN anyway, probably sooner. But if Discovery wins this battle then he’s out in disgrace and RIGHT SOON.

    So, again, buh-bye.

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