Germania Delenda Est


    by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

    The Attack on the Pipeline and the Resurrection of the Morgenthau Plan as the Long Arm of Jewish Vengeance

    Within hours of the attack on the September attack on the Nordstream pipelines, a consensus emerged that the Americans did it, in spite of the fact that the mainstream media were united in blaming Russia. Only the Americans had the motive and the means. The evidence was circumstantial but irrefutable. Within hours of the attack on Nordstream, the video of President Biden’s February 2022 press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz was making the rounds on the internet. In response to a question from a reporter in February, Biden said in no uncertain terms that if Russia invaded the Ukraine, America would take out the Nordstream pipelines. The video of Victoria Nuland saying the same thing also started circulating within hours of the attack.

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    Historically, the attack fit into the pattern of Anglo-American foreign policy like a hand in a glove. The Nordstream pipelines were a clear violation of the Mackinder thesis, which has been the hidden grammar of American foreign policy for over a century, a fact corroborated by both Donald Trump, who opposed Nordstream as president, and his opponent Ted Cruz, who said that there was bipartisan agreement on the threat which Nordstream posed to American interests.

    Ever since Halford Mackinder wrote The Geographical Pivot of History at the beginning of the 20th century, the goal of Anglo-American foreign policy has been to thwart any unification of the Eurasian landmass because, according to Mackinder, the country which controls Eurasia controls the world. Any rapprochement between Russia and Germany posed an existential threat to Anglo-American hegemony. When the Kaiser and the Czar, cousins by blood, threatened to collaborate, Winston Churchill and Lord Grey lured both countries into a war which pitted them against each other, ensuring a favorable outcome for Oceania, the name George Orwell gave to the island nations which made up the Anglo-American Empire in his dystopian novel 1984.

    Fourteen years into the 21st century, the American Empire followed the same playbook when NATO under the direction of Victoria Nuland took the first steps into luring Russia into a war with Germany in the Ukraine by overthrowing that country’s democratically elected president and installing a puppet regime led by Jews and Nazis.

    As in the past, the point of the current war in the Ukraine was to lure Germany and Russia into a war which would destroy both countries, leaving America as the undisputed global hegemon. Everyone knew that the Americans were using Ukrainian proxies to wage war on Russia, but few if any Germans knew that the war was being waged against them as well, until the attack on Nordstream II made that obvious. Most Americans and most Germans perceived Russia as the sole enemy in the Ukrainian conflict because few if any Americans or Germans had read the Rand Corporation’s report “Weakening Germany, strengthening the U.S.,” which revealed the hidden grammar of war pitting Russia against Germany in a mutually destructive conflict.[1]

    The Rand report was simply an updating of the Mackinder thesis. The real goal in the Ukrainian conflict was to bring about the collapse of the European economy by denying Germany the Russian energy which it needs to survive. According to the Rand report, the EU economy “will inevitably collapse” after the fall of German industry, causing trillions of dollars of European resources to flow back to the United States, followed by a flood of “well educated young people in Europe” who “will be forced to emigrate” because good paying jobs will have vanished in the wake of the energy crisis which was a direct result of the war.[2]

    The American attack on what everyone considered America’s main ally in Europe was necessary because there is an “urgent need” for an influx of resources from outside to maintain the overall American economy, but “especially the banking system,” which “Only European countries bound by EU and NATO commitments can provide . . . without significant military and political costs for us.”[3] According to the Rand report, the main obstacle to the looting of Europe on a scale which rivaled the Jewish looting of Russia in the 1990s was “the growing independence of Germany,” which followed Britain’s exit from the European Union. Brexit, the Rand report continued, “has given Germany greater independence and made it more difficult for the United States to influence the decisions of European governments.”[4] The only way to thwart “the growing cooperation between Germany and Russia, as well as France, which, if realized will eventually turn Europe into not only an economic, but also a political competitor to the United States” is to inflict permanent damage on both Germany and Russian by involving them in a mutually destructive war, which “will make it impossible for the countries to re-establish normal relations later on.”

    Permanent damage is what happened to both the pipeline and American-German relations. The immediate consequence was “A reduction in Russian energy supplies – ideally, a complete halt of such supplies– [which]would lead to disastrous outcomes for German industry. The need to divert significant amounts of Russian gas for winter heating will further exacerbate the shortages. Lockdowns in industrial enterprises would cause shortages of components and spare parts for manufacturing, a breakdown of logistics chains and, eventually, a domino effect.” The total collapse of the EU economy would mean not only that US-based companies would have “less competition on the world market, logistical advantages and the outflow of capital from Europe,” it would also mean that those plundered European economies would be able “to contribute to the economy of the United States by an estimated 7-9 trillion dollars. In addition, it also emphasizes the important effect of many well-educated and young Europeans being be forced to immigrate to the USA.”[5]

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