Dear Twitterati – Leave the Road to Serfdom, Learn to Code


    by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

    So, Elon Musk completed his purchase of Twitter and the pink slips are flying. From the C-Suite to the CS desk in a few weeks Twitter will cease to be the company we’ve all loved to hate delivering a product we hated to love.

    From the beginning of this saga I maintained that it didn’t matter in the end if Musk prevailed or not. What was important was his ripping the duct tape off the hairy ass of the ridiculous double standard at work.

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    Every stupid argument you’ve heard justifying Twitter’s behavior was invalidated during Musk’s six month quest to overpay for one of the biggest pillars of the control engine operated by the patriarchy oligarchy.

    From the moment that Musk made his initial overture to his walking in and firing the leadership, this story has been equal parts hilarious and thrilling.

    First, Musk makes an offer the Twitter board can’t refuse without incriminating themselves, which puts to the test all the academic poison pill theories about how to defend against a hostile takeover.

    As always, academic bullshit failed the real world sniff test.

    You know kinda like what’s in the process of happening to the ultimate academic egghead Klaus von Commie Schnitzel and his moronic Great Reset.

    Second he outed every bit of Twitter’s leadership and middle management as a feckless bunch of Davos trolls with layers of plausible deniability who never thought they would ever get caught. And then Pieter Zatko entered the conversation, blowing up the idea that Twitter’s censorship was just rogue purple hairs revealing brown shirts underneath their playful exterior.

    But that doesn’t cover the half of it. The reality is that it wasn’t some evil mandated corporate conspiracy, but rather a poorly-built internal architecture which was purposefully allowed to remain broken for plausible deniability purposes.



    Because no one ever thought that Musk would turn his corporatist bribes, I mean Tesla shares, into weapons of mass formation psychosis destruction. Really? No one could see this coming? Then again this is the same media that can’t see anything that isn’t scrolling up the teleprompter.

    Lastly, he called everyone’s bluff and just said, “Screw it, it’s just money.” And he’s more right than you can ever really imagine. Because the rise and fall of Woke Twitter is a harbinger of things to come now that Outside Money is getting its revenge against the depredations of Inside Money.

    When civilization breaks down, legal claims tend towards zero value. Civilization breaks down through the systemic subversion of the agreed upon rules to the advantage of some at the expense of the other.

    And what bigger subversion of the rule, “thou shalt not steal” could there be than a debt-based Ponzi scheme of inside money being used to suck up legal claims to most of the world’s valuable resources while actively suppressing the value of the competing outside money to defend people’s claims to it?


    What the credit bubble giveth on the way up — empowering billionaire Satanists to providing welfare jobs to harpy millennial chicks and the soyboys who simp for them — taketh away twice as fast on the way down.

    What was that about Elon top-ticking Tesla again for FU Money?

    I have to believe that part of Musk’s decision to finally just buy Twitter despite the fictitious valuation (and userbase) was the grief he got publicly for going against the war orthodoxy of the collective West (and specifically Davos’ enforcement of a single point of view) over, of all things, using Twitter to engage in discussion about what the outcome in Ukraine should look like.

    I guess advocating for peace and to stop angry Slavs from murdering each other is no longer a core “European value.”

    Actually, now that I type that out, it never was.

    Musk could have dragged this out for months and proven in court that Twitter was a cesspit. But, we’re edging closer to a point of no return over Ukraine; a point we are being railroaded towards by psychopaths and solipsistic assholes who never met a dead member of the hoi polloi, especially of the wrong ethnicity, they didn’t give a second thought to.

    And note which entity at the last tried to stop his taking over Twitter, the “Biden” White House who tried to claim it was a National Security issue.

    For fucks’ sake.

    All these Davos ninnies can do now is talk about the EU’s rules for hate speech. The shakedown and the finger-wagging has already begun. It’s important to remember that free speech in the US is a matter of law. In Europe so is hate speech.

    So, Europe is now testing another academic idea in the real world. Can they dictate to the world their speech rules to an international company and force everyone onto its standard?

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