Biden might turn out to be even worse than Hitler


    by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

    One of the reasons why the Ken Burns and Geoffrey C. Ward Public Broadcasting System (PBS) documentary series The U.S. and the Holocaust stands out from, and stands above (both more comprehensive, and deeper, than) all other Holocaust documentaries, is that it is the first one to place that historical event into the broader Western cultural perspective, of which the Holocaust was a part, which is the same tradition that was the most comprehensively described and documented in the 1976 history-book, Anti-Semitism: The Causes and Effects of a Prejudice, which traces Hitler’s Nuremberg laws back to the devout Roman Emperor Constantius in 339 AD (his Codex Theodosianus XVI.8.6), saying that any Jewish man who marries a Christian woman “shall suffer the death penalty.”

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    (Hitler constantly raged against “miscegenation,” or “race-mixing,” which he called “the blood-poisoning of the Jews.”) Then, that book lists and documents hundreds of pogroms, all by Christians against Jews, starting in 1009 A.D. in France, and then 1011 A.D starting also in Germany. (A flaw in this otherwise masterful book is that it fails to note that, on 27 November 1095, Pope Urban II officially announced The Crusades to kill Moslems. Europe, from that point on, was to be free not only of Jews, but of Muslims.) The Christian mobs, inspired by their preachers’ sermons that were quoting from the New Testament, already had started The Crusades unofficially against Jews in Europe, even before it officially began in 1095, to the south, against Muslims. The documentary isn’t ONLY about America and the Holocaust, but about the entire cultural West, or Europe (that is, the Christian or New-Testament realm), and the Holocaust. This broader focus always has been needed, because (despite Daniel Goldhagen’s writings to the contrary, which blame “Germans” only — as-if other Christians were inconsequential in it — which the Burns-Ward documentary proves to be massively false) so many non-Germans were eagerly assisting the Nazis and many other Germans, to punish, and ultimately kill, Jews, for being (or allegedly being) Jews. The essence of the Nuremberg laws had actually started by no later than the year 339, and were clearly based upon the Bible. In my 2000 book, WHY the Holocaust Happened, I documented that the Holocaust had been inspired by the Bible, which Hitler considered to be “the Monumental History of Mankind” (no mere myth) — and which likewise had poisoned the minds of millions of other Europeans. As I documented there, Hitler was so obsessed to exterminate all Jews, as to have even turned down the urgings from his generals, late in the conflict, to stop the trains to the mass-killing centers such as Auschwitz, in order for there to be enough trains made available to bring more soldiers and weapons to the battle-fronts. To Hitler, the prerequisite to his personal success would be exterminating all Jews. I got this from reading everything from Hitler. Finishing the Holocaust was more important than anything else in order for him to feel vindicated. He really believed that the Bible is “the Monumental History of Mankind.” He even rejected Darwin’s theory of the descent of Man. He had been brought up believing that “the Jews” (via John 8:44 and other New Testament passages) had been descended from the snake in Genesis 3 — Satan. By “Aryans” he meant pure-blooded Christians, descended from Adam and Eve. The idea of the Thousand-Year Reich came from Revelation 20:7-10. Thus, he told Bishop Berning on 26 April 1933, “I am doing what the Church has done for 1,500 years. I am simply finishing the job.” On 18 December 1926, he told a group of followers, “The teachings of Christ have laid the foundations for the battle against Christ as the enemy of Mankind; the work that Christ began, I shall finish.” He insisted that Jesus was no Jew, and had not descended from any. Moreover, to Hitler, “race” was in the blood, NOT in any genes. However, one didn’t need to hear Hitler’s speeches, nor read Mein Kampf, etc., in order to be able to believe that, as Matthew 23:33-36, John 8:43-47, Thessalonians 2:14-16, and other biblical passages, argued, Jews are the worst of the worst, which Hitler was persuaded of, by his private readings of that “Monumental History of Mankind.” The Burns-Ward documentary makes the case that the Holocaust very definitely was a Christian event, and not ONLY a German event. The evidence that it presents includes not ONLY German, but ALSO European and American Christianity. Without that outside support, Hitler could not have done it. That, too, is clear from their The U.S. and the Holocaust. The documentarians could achieve this only by means of opening the scope of their investigation wide enough so as to see what has been ignored for way too long by other ‘historians’ — that the guilt in it wasn’t ONLY German. The allegations that it was only German are lies; it was Christian. And it was the most evil act in all of human history. It was done by “us,” not ONLY by Germans. The documentary makes clear that though there also were a minority of Christians who opposed the Holocaust, that was ONLY a minority.

    How, then, might Joe Biden turn out to be even worse than was Adolf Hitler? 

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