Saturday, December 14, 2024

Tag: With Biden’s Government Literally ‘Sanctioning’ Vaccine ‘Death Squads

With Biden’s Government Literally ‘Sanctioning’ Vaccine ‘Death Squads,’ Beware A Gigantic Govt-Sponsored False Flag In The Days Ahead As Tyrannical Govt Will Never ‘Admit’ To Genocide


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    All throughout history, corrupt, tyrannical governments have engaged in crimes against humanity with virtual impunity and many would argue what Biden, Democrats and the globalists are doing in 2022 is no different.

    With corrupt and tyrannical governments just like abusive spouses or employers or serial killers or murderers, so embedded in their OWN corruption they’d never simply ADMIT to that corruption nor crimes against humanity, and we can be assured will continue to try to get away with them as long as they’re able, the fact that America has already reached the point where nearly ALL of the public agencies which were supposed to uphold JUSTICE are CORRUPT means we’re witnessing the completing acts of America being turned into a despotic BANANA REPUBLIC.