Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tag: With 1960’s Counterculture Becoming The Leaders Of Today’s ‘Woke’ Generations

With 1960’s Counterculture Becoming The Leaders Of Today’s ‘Woke’ Generations, They’re Ramping Up The Left’s ‘War Upon Peace,’ Causing Massive Death And Destruction Worldwide


    by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

    Just over 50 years ago we ended our war – well, actually the war mongers of our nation’s war – in Viet Nam with the “Peace with Honor” speech of Richard M. Nixon.  January 23, 1973 was the date, and five months before the fiftieth anniversary of that withdrawal, on August 31st 2022 in his attempt to beat the 9-11 day of infamy anniversary Joey Biden abruptly and disastrously pulled us out of Afghanistan like a love sick jackrabbit jumping out of the hasenpfeffer stew pot.   Although the final exit in Viet Nam was not very pretty, the complete and total fiasco of Biden’s attempt to show us that he is cooler than Trump by beating the deadline Trump set is of such an abysmal nature that the honor of getting out of that war is totally marred by the gross incompetence born in that pullout.  There was no honor, no grace, no laudable actions as in Nixon’s withdrawal or even Obama’s’ wretched abortion of a withdrawal from Iraq eleven years earlier.