Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tag: U.S. Government Will Buy 1.5 Million More Doses of COVID “Vaccines”

U.S. Government Will Buy 1.5 Million More Doses of COVID “Vaccines”


    by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

    The United States government has agreed to buy 1.5 million more doses of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine. This protein-based injection is supposed to convince those skeptical of the mRNA technology in Moderna and Pfizer’s shots to get the jab.

    The company said on Monday that the modified agreement includes funds for the development of an updated vaccine by the fall of this year, according to a report by Reuters.

    Sales of the company’s vaccine (and all big pharma COVID injections) have been hurt by a global supply glut and waning demand, with Novavax cutting its full-year revenue forecast for the shots twice last year.