Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: This Is How Quickly Things Could Completely Explode Across The Planet: We’re Now In A Two-Month Window Where ‘Predictions Ought To Be Even Darker’ For A ‘Great World Conflict’

This Is How Quickly Things Could Completely Explode Across The Planet: We’re Now In A Two-Month Window Where ‘Predictions Ought To Be Even Darker’ For A ‘Great World Conflict’


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    With global war rhetoric heating up to a fever pitch both here in America and around the world now that Vladimir Putin has announced a partial mobilization in the Ukraine war escalation; a retired US Army General has announced ‘America will hit Russia’s military with a devastating strike’ if Putin uses nukes in Ukraine; and, Russia has arrived at the point where they truly believe their very existence is at stake with one Russian warning, it’s “time to drop our illusions, the West is waging a war to destroy Russia,” we’ve got to take a look back at how Russia’s military capabilities have changed over the past decade+ compared to the US’s before looking at our possible futures.