Sunday, January 19, 2025

Tag: Raquel’s Brief Illness

NATO Over, Raquel’s Brief Illness, Fed Raising & Wrecking


    by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

    Dark powers are calling Seymour Hersh a “has been” writer and warning he’s not to be taken seriously.  Everyone else in the world is taking Pulitzer Award winning Hersh and his claim the U.S. blew up the Nord 2 pipeline late last year.  Russia wants an investigation and so dose China and Germany.  This could spell the end of NATO as in over.  China, Germany and Russia are all calling for a deep investigation into the Nord sabotage.   It may also bring very big damage claims against the U.S. for an act of terror.  If this is proven true (and I think it will be), it shows how desperate, incompetent and out of control the Biden Administration is.  Cheating incompetent people into office has negative consequences.