Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: 300 Years of Global Warming With or Without Industrial CO2

PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: 300 Years of Global Warming With or Without Industrial CO2


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd smartest Guy in the World:

The same cabal that invented the laughable term “fossil fuels” for their fraudulent “peak oil” narrative in order to extract ever more profits for their energy companies through false scarcity, are now escalating their “climate change” con to impose their electric vehicle (EV) takeover.

Like all things “climate change,” the EV push is total reality inversion that takes the whole green movement to the next level by not just attempting to severely limit the global economic driving force of abiotic fuels, but by also forcing a far more expensive technology with far greater CO2 footprint (net positive) and far greater pollution footprint (net negative) that relies exclusively on an easily manipulated and increasingly super-fragile power grid. And the ultimate endgame for EVs is far more nefarious: this mode of transport will port directly into the social credit score system; imagine the EV without steering wheel or pedals taking you not to your intended 15 Minute City destination, but, rather, to the reeducation camp as a function of you falling short of the social credit score threshold (e.g. thoughtcrime, skipping latest GMH booster dose, etc.) as defined by the central planning technocommunist elite.