Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: Poll: 60 percent of Likely Voters Agree “Climate Change Has Become a Religion”

Poll: 60 percent of Likely Voters Agree “Climate Change Has Become a Religion”


    by James Murphy, The New American:

    With all of the climate propaganda being peddled by mainstream media, the Biden administration, and the climate cult itself, it’s good to see that many Americans still have not been convinced of the lies surrounding it. A poll released today by Rasmussen found that 60 percent of “likely voters” agree with the statement, “Climate change has become a religion that ‘actually has nothing to do with the climate’ and is really about power and control.”

    Forty-seven percent of those polled “strongly agreed” with the statement. Even 45 percent of Democrats polled agreed with the statement. At the same time, 35 percent of respondents disagreed with the statement, with 25 percent of them strongly disagreeing. Only four percent were unsure, signaling that the consistent drumbeat of climate crisis propaganda isn’t having much effect one way or the other.