Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: Nothing New Under the Sun. 14 Month Baby. “Febrile Seizures after MMR Vaccines”

Nothing New Under the Sun. 14 Month Baby. “Febrile Seizures after MMR Vaccines”


    by John Leake, Global Research:

    Imagine that you and your spouse have a 14-month-old baby in excellent health. Your child is perfectly responsive to mother and father. His cognitive and social development has hit all milestones. He then receives an MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) combination vaccine. A few hours later he is struck with high fever, seizures, and severe gastrointestinal distress.

    You call your pediatrician, who explains that, per the CDC“There is a small increased risk for febrile seizures after MMR vaccines.” The pediatrician assures you the seizures will soon pass and your baby will be fine. However, following this initial attack, the baby becomes withdrawn and unresponsive to his mother. Instead of his characteristic bright-eyed smile, cheerful babble, and exclamations of delight, his facial affect becomes either blank or highly distressed. He ceases playing interactive games and showing interest in objects that had previously grabbed his attention.