Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: Musk Wars Part X: Doxxing

Musk Wars Part X: Doxxing


    by Karl Denninger, Market Ticker:

    They’re all a-twitter, I tell you, a-twitter, over the ridiculously unjust banhammer use by Musk against journalists.

    Well, no.

    A few days back a dude that had stuck a little script on the front of a public-facing data page which, given an aircraft’s tail number you can follow it whenever it is in the air and since all air travel begins and ends on the earth’s surface you can also determine where it is.

    There are plenty of things that fall into this general category.  If you know someone’s name and the general area where they live you can usually figure out exactly where they live, if they own real estate, because the tax and title rolls are public.  It takes a bit of work but you can do it.  Its a bit tougher if the person is renting since that’s not generally registered in public data somewhere.