Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tag: Musk Tweets Bioweapon

Trump Vax Quicksand, Musk Tweets Bioweapon, Rumors of War


    by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

    President Donald Trump doubled down on his pro vax stance in a new interview this week.  It looks like Trump has waded into the vax quicksand, and it’s going to take him under if he doesn’t pull out soon.  Even though host Wayne Root is firmly anti-CV19 vax, Trump told him the CV19 bioweapon/vax is a “miracle of modern science” and “saved millions of lives.”  Donald Trump cannot back up the claim this bioweapon saved “millions of lives” because bioweapons are designed to maim and kill. That is exactly what this CV19 injection has done and is still doing.  Sticking to his guns on the bioweapon passed off as a vaccine is so far afoul of the injury and death data is disturbing for a man who wants to be President again.  Before it’s over, I predict President Trump will have to do an about face on the vax.  I hope he does not wait too long.  With the overwhelming negative scientific evidence on the CV19 bioweapon, I am surprised Trump has not already done so.  What good are Trump’s policies if nobody is left alive to enjoy them in 2025?  Repent Donald Trump.