by Ian Rons, Daily Sceptic:
The U.S. Founding Fathers may not have foreseen the danger of lockdowns being imposed on irrational public health grounds, but they did at least ensure that while dolorously confined in one’s own house, no soldiers could be quartered there without consent, and in the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution they also prohibited “unreasonable searches and seizures” of persons and property. In recent years, the courts have unambiguously held that this fundamental anti-snooping right extends to the bits and bytes stored on computers and mobile phones, so it’s therefore rather surprising to see the plucky little Commonwealth of Massachusetts pull off something so blatantly unconstitutional that even the NSA hasn’t attempted it: the warrantless installation of spyware apps on all the Android phones in the state, granting them access to a wealth of data such as who those residents have been in physical proximity to, as well as phone numbers and email addresses. Because of Covid, you see.