Sunday, March 2, 2025

Tag: Investors Head for the Exits at Illiquid Funds: Blackstone Limits Withdrawals from Giant Real Estate Fund

Investors Head for the Exits at Illiquid Funds: Blackstone Limits Withdrawals from Giant Real Estate Fund


    by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

    Investors seem to be thinking a lot these days about that old Will Rogers maxim: “People should be more concerned with the return of their principal than the return on their principal.”

    Investors have been demanding their money back from a growing number of crypto outfits and now that anxiousness is broadening out.

    The latest to be hit with a surge in investor demand for their money back is the Blackstone Real Estate Income Trust (BREIT). Unlike most REITs, BREIT doesn’t trade on a stock exchange. Investors have to ask the trust to buy back their shares when they want their cash back.