Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Tag: How The New Apple ‘Clean Energy Charging’ Released In iOS 16.1 Shows You What The ‘Sustainable’ Climate Change Tyrants Plan On Doing To Us Next

How The New Apple ‘Clean Energy Charging’ Released In iOS 16.1 Shows You What The ‘Sustainable’ Climate Change Tyrants Plan On Doing To Us Next


    by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

    When Clean Energy Charging is enabled on your iPhone and connected to a charger, Apple prevents your phone from charging if the power source is not ‘sustainable’

    If you remember our article on the hidden cricket flour in the processed food you are buying, then you know that ‘sustainable’ is a code word for things that are actually bad for you. The New World Order climate Nazis are encroaching on our freedoms on a daily basis, and they are quite slick with how they operate. So today I want to show you something from Apple for the iPhone called Clean Energy Charging, and why it’s a terrifying harbinger of what’s to come.