by Paul Engel, America Outloud:
How many of you grew up wanting to be “G-Men”? You know, the government law enforcement officer putting away bad guys and protecting Americans? Sure, you had the stories about J. Edgar Hoover and his cache of secrets he used to blackmail his enemies. There were stories about him spying on those he thought he might need to intimidate and control one day. But that was in the past, right?
I do not lay all of the blame for the culture of intimidation, intrigue, and even spy-craft at the feet of current FBI Director Christopher Wray. We have allowed federal law enforcement to become the jack-booted thugs we see in the news today because we were afraid after Sept. 11, 2001. But for those of us who warned you that this kind of centralized and unrestricted power was dangerous, I want to say we warned you. Today, if you see someone come to your door with an FBI jacket on, realize that it no longer stands for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but for the Federal Bureau of Intimidation!