Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: Elections Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophes

Elections Have Consequences; Stolen Elections Have Catastrophes


    by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

    “Put the adults back in charge,” they whined.  “Donald Trump will break the world,” they lied.  Well, they manipulated election rules to certify suspicious vote totals that preposterously portrayed senile Joe Biden as the most popularly elected president in history; censored and locked up anyone who complained; and covered up their crimes with J6 show trials drenched in untruths meant to hide from history the Uniparty’s underhanded machinations in outright stealing a presidential election.  The whole mess was so banana-republic-yucky that Biden was inaugurated behind barbed wire and a show of military force befitting the small junta who attended the successful coup’s celebration.  And as a result of the Uniparty’s installation of Dementia Joe as White House marionette, the American people have been plagued with crime, inflation, political persecution, COVID tyranny, deadly battlefield retreat, open borders, staggering drug deaths, proxy wars, bankruptciesbank runs, endless new regulations, a plummeting standard of living, economic panic, and social volatility.  Elections have consequences, but stolen elections have catastrophes.