Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: Do Unvaccinated People Need To Be Counselled To Drive Slower? – A New Level of Stupidity

Do Unvaccinated People Need To Be Counselled To Drive Slower? – A New Level of Stupidity


    by Vinay Prasad M.D., The Pulse:

    An important paper came out yesterday, but not for the reason the authors think.

    Redelmeier and colleagues find that unvaccinated people are more likely to end up in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) than vaccinated people.

    Let me be clear: it is ridiculous to think that lipid wrapped mRNA spike template could lower car accidents, so the only plausible explanation is that people who get vaccinated are more precautious: they may drive less, more safety, in cars that have more safety features, etc. This finding only tells you that the 2 groups are not comparable. They are different in ways other than vaccination.