by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:
China is already the nation that leads the world in its human capital, and Russia is already the nation that leads the world in its physical capital. Unless The West in the future will be growing more in both human and physical capital than China and Russia — which is unlikely — a united ChinUssia (or RussChina — whatever it will be called) would incontestably lead the world in both respects. And the ceaseless aggressions by the U.S. and its ‘allies’ or vassal-nations (including NATO’s expansion to surround not merely Russia but increasingly China) is driving both of those world-leading countries, Russia and China (which border each other), together into one. Their shared border would then be just part of a bilingual country (or perhaps trilingual if English becomes taught as the second language for all of it — which likely will increasingly be the case throughout the world).