Monday, March 3, 2025

Tag: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: TGP Caught Corrupt FBI Inserting Docs during Mar-a-Lago Raid to Make Trump Look Bad – But Now They’re Gone!

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: TGP Caught Corrupt FBI Inserting Docs during Mar-a-Lago Raid to Make Trump Look Bad – But Now They’re Gone!


    by Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

    This nation is broken.  Those in charge of our justice system are crooks.  The Department of Justice is unjust.  Its leaders are like foxes in the hen house or criminals running the police station. 

    In an earlier article posted at The Gateway Pundit on September 1, 2022, only a few weeks after the unprecedented, unnecessary, and unlawful raid of the President’s home on August 8, 2022, we noted that the FBI inserted documents into the collection of documents they stole from President Trump’s home during the raid.