Thursday, December 12, 2024

Tag: As ‘General Armageddon’ Takes The Reins Of Russia’s War Machine

As ‘General Armageddon’ Takes The Reins Of Russia’s War Machine, Be Prepared For TEOTWAWKI As The World Has No Experience Stopping A War Between Two Nuclear-Armed Foes


    by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

    With NATO holding nuclear war deterrence drills next week, ex-NATO chief Richard Shirreff claiming the world must be ready for NUCLEAR WAR and Russia tapping the man known as ‘General Armageddon’ to win the war, we serve our families and loved ones best by preparing for such a catastrophic scenario as well, just in case things spiral completely out of control in the next few days, weeks or months. So we will go over all kinds of nuclear war prep from experts, including building fallout shelters and Cresson H. Kearny’s classic book “Nuclear War Survival Skills,” in this story.