Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Hollywood VAX BRAINWASH: No more movies made until every actor, director, and producer gets the clot shots in the name of “humanity’s better nature”


by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

“Vaccine dodgers” will pay the price for their medical choice, according to the Hollywood elitists, and there will be no movies made at all for an entire month, should the “total Hollywood strike” succeed. Rosie O’Donnell, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sean Penn, and many other liberal vaccine fanatics are ready to stop making movies on behalf of “humanity’s better nature” and because they think they are the “base of the entire modern American culture.” Unless every American succumbs to the deadliest virus-mimicking injections ever created, the brainwashed elites of Holly-Pharma-Wood will stop making movies, and those who support actual science and know that the Fauci Flu jabs are causing heart attacks will have nothing to watch on TV anymore.

Democrats Propose Abraham Lincoln Statue Removal


    from The Epoch Times:

    Democrat and Confederate President Jefferson Davis may have been unable to expel President Abraham Lincoln from the capitol, but Democrat delegate Eleanor Norton (D-D.C.) might.

    Norton, Washington D.C.’s non-voting Congressional representative, reintroduced legislation to remove a statue of Lincoln with a kneeling freed slave.

    The statue has stood in Lincoln Park near the Capitol since 1876. It depicts a slave, shirtless and shackles broken, about to stand up. Lincoln stretches out his hand over the man.

    Pentagon Confirms Reports Of Second Chinese Spy Balloon


      by Micaela Burrow, The Daily Caller:

      The Department of Defense acknowledged a second Chinese surveillance craft transiting airspace somewhere over Latin America late Friday.

      The second balloon’s flight path does not appear to include the United States, CNN first reported, citing officials. Earlier on Friday, DOD confirmed that the first surveillance balloon was moving eastward and that the U.S. government continued to monitor its travel, while the White House’s national security team provides regular updates to President Joe Biden.



        from FireMedic8:

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        The FDA’s New Vaccine Strategy


          by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

          • When the bivalent COVID boosters against Omicron first came out, only those who had received the initial series of shots were eligible to receive them, but uptake was disappointing. Less than 5% of those eligible had taken a bivalent booster by October 2022, and by late January 2023, that had only risen to 16.2%
          • In the hopes of increasing uptake of the jab, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now recommending everyone get an annual COVID shot, even if you didn’t receive the initial series



            from And We Know:

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            Former US official warns Tucker that gov’t-issued digital currencies are forms of financial ‘control’


              by Matt Lamb, LifeSite News:

              Vitamin D Cuts COVID-19 Risk of Death in Half, New Study Finds. So Why Isn’t it Recommended?


                by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

                Vitamin D cuts the risk of death from COVID-19 by 51% and the risk of ICU admission by 72%, a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials has found. The new study, published in Pharmaceuticals, is titled “Protective Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on COVID-19-Related Intensive Care Hospitalisation and Mortality: Definitive Evidence from Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis”. Here’s the abstract, summarising the study’s method and results.

                Episode 2491: Standing Up To The National Security State


                  from Bannons War Room:

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                  Twisting the English Language for a Woke America


                    by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

                    I had no idea how culturally insensitive and racist my vocabulary was until today. I heard that there were institutions in the beautiful woke state of California that were banning the word “field” – the new “f-word” – due to it now being racist, and I had to look into it further. After some enlightened research, I discovered that both the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services as well as the University of Southern California’s school of social work have recently taken steps to ban the word “field” from all official documents, again due to it now being classified as racist. I played football growing up, and as you know, we typically played on football fields; I have to admit that the guilt I feel about it now is almost unbearable.

                    Dig It! #176: Funding the Psychological Control Grid


                      from Corey’s Digs:

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                      Fake Meat Industry Plummeting. Are Globalists Worried?


                        by Luis Miguel, The New American:

                        The Left and the global elites have long demonized eating meat, and accordingly have pushed fake, plant-based “meats.” But is the entire vegan house of cards on the verge of toppling over?

                        In a major blow to the industry, Impossible Foods, one of the most well-known manufacturers of meat alternatives, recently announced that it will be cutting 20 percent of its workforce. As Bloomberg reports, the Redwood, California-based company employs around 700 people, meaning the latest round of cuts would eliminate at least 140 jobs.

                        Biden Says He’ll Shoot Down Chinese Spy Balloon As Soon As He’s Done Letting It Spy


                          from The Babylon Bee:

                          U.S. — Americans are up in arms after a Chinese high-altitude spy balloon was seen hovering over sensitive nuclear sites in Montana. Biden was quick to quell fears, vowing to shoot down the hostile balloon as soon as he’s done letting it spy.

                          “Listen folks, that balloon came a long way to do a little spyin’,” said Biden in a meeting with military leaders. “Would be a shame to shoot the poor thing down before it even gets a chance to take some pictures! I remember when me and the boys used to spy on Suzie Anne McGillicutty through her bedroom window after a long day of protesting the civil rights movement. It’s all in good fun, folks!”

                          Don’t Be Stupid – The U.S. Economy Actually LOST 2.5 Million Jobs Last Month


                            by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

                            I can’t take it anymore.  Fake numbers that are released by the government get turned into fake news by the corporate media, and many Americans don’t even realize that they are being conned.  Major news outlets all over the country are breathlessly trumpeting the “blockbuster jobs report” as if it is a sign from heaven that good economic times are ahead.  We are being told that the U.S. economy added 517,000 jobs last month, but that isn’t true.  Sadly, the truth is that the U.S. economy actually lost 2.5 million jobs in January.  Yes, you read that correctly.  So how in the world does a loss of 2.5 million jobs become a “gain” of 517,000 jobs?  Every month, government bureaucrats apply “adjustments” to the numbers that they believe are appropriate, and at this point their “adjustments” have become so absurd that they have turned the monthly employment report into a total farce.