Monday, June 17, 2024

Violent Crime Has Become A Hot Political Issue This Election Season – Perhaps That Is Because There Is Blood All Over Our Streets


    by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

    Millions upon millions of Americans are starting to realize that we simply cannot continue down the path that we are currently on.  Communities all over the nation are degenerating into crime-infested hellholes, and a lot of us have decided that enough is enough.  We don’t want to raise our families in cities that resemble war zones.  We don’t want to walk on city streets that are soaked in blood.  Unfortunately, just electing new politicians won’t stop the rising tide of violence.  The truth is that social decay is systematically eating away at the foundations of our culture, and that is not such an easy thing to fix.

    Leading Medical Organizations Demand for Biden’s DOJ ‘to Investigate and Prosecute’ Critics of Transgender Child Surgery


      by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

      The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the Children’s Hospital Association, who claim to represent “more than 270,000 physicians and more than 220 children’s hospitals across the country,” are calling on the Biden regime to crackdown on opponents of transgender child surgery.

      These organizations issued a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that he “investigate and prosecute” individuals who oppose drugging and mutilating children who are groomed and convinced by predators that they need to change their gender.



        from TheCrowhouse:

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        The Psychology of Totalitarianism


          by Mattias Desmet, The Pulse:

          At the end of February 2020, the global village began to shake on its foundations. The world was presented with a foreboding crisis, the consequences of which were incalculable. In a matter of weeks, everyone was gripped by the story of a virus—a story that was undoubtedly based on facts. But on which ones?

          Election company “Konnech” that illegally stored election data in communist China EXPOSED for contributing all political cash to Biden and other Democrats


            by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

            New revelations have surfaced linking Joe Biden and other Democrats to corruption in communist China.

            Konnech, a Michigan-based election management company, was just exposed for sending all of its political donations to Biden and other Democrats – and not a single Republican.

            The company, which managed software used to organize poll workers in Los Angeles County, is reportedly now “part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of those workers,” local authorities confirmed.

            Australian Research Creating NEW BIOWEAPON: CSIRO Biolab Doing MORE Gain Of Function Research


              from Stew Peters Network:

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              Physical Silver Demand Soars, Digital Silver Demand Plunges


                by Craig Hemke, Sprott Money:

                An interesting dichotomy has developed in the “silver market”. What does it mean? Does it mean anything at all? We’ll know soon enough, I guess.

                What an interesting year this has been, and the last six months have been positively brutal. While we await the eventual central bank pivot back toward easing and QE, COMEX digital gold and silver have been whacked, cracked, and shellacked. But as we’ve seen multiple times in the past, this has led to a widening gap between the futures price and the physical price.

                The Rule of Power


                  by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                  Last week PayPal, an online service for making and receiving payments, announced that at PayPal’s “sole discretion” $2,500 would be seized from accounts of those PayPal decided were guilty of spreading misinformation.  “Misinformation” is whatever some speech control office at PayPal doesn’t like or dissent from official narratives.  In other words, PayPal announced a policy of thought control as described in George Orwell’s 1984.

                  ABSOLUTE TRAVESTY! Dr Charles Hoff: C19 Shots Set Records For DEATHS & MAIMING


                  from Tim Truth:

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                  Something Big Has Already Broken: Price Stability


                    by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

                    The Fed will tighten “Until Something Breaks?” Wait a minute…

                    There is a lot of tongue-wagging on Wall Street and in the financial media to the effect that the Federal Reserve will tighten – meaning hike rates and shed assets – until something breaks.

                    The Era Of Cheap Food And Cheap Gasoline Is Over


                      by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

                      All of our lifestyles are about to change in a major way, but the vast majority of the population still does not understand what is coming.  Throughout our entire lives, we have always been able to depend on a couple of things.  There would always be cheap gasoline to fuel our vehicles and there would always be mountains of cheap food at the grocery store.  No matter who was in the White House and no matter what else was going on in the world, those two things always remained the same.  Unfortunately, those days are now over and they aren’t coming back.

                      RUSSIA advances and BOMBARDS Ukraine in latest move!


                        from Stew Peters Network:

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                        Tulsi Gabbard Finally Departs Democrat War Party


                          by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

                          Invites other Democrats opposed to war and wokeness to join her.

                          Gabbard should have done this years ago, but it is better late than never.

                          Thank you for speaking the truth, Tulsi.

                          Now, let’s take a look at a Newsweek write-up on Gabbard’s decision.

                          Explosive New Vaccine Revelations (Ep. 1871) – The Dan Bongino Show


                            from The Dan Bongino Show:

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                            State-Owned Media Agency Leads Campaign to Cancel Science Paper Which Found ‘Climate Emergency’ Not Supported by Data


                              by Chris Morrison, Daily Sceptic:

                              On September 14th the Daily Sceptic published an article reporting that four leading Italian scientists had undertaken a major review of historical climate trends and concluded that declaring a ‘climate emergency’ was not supported by the data. They suggested that children should not be burdened with anxiety about the climate. The Daily Sceptic story was retweeted around 9,000 times, read by at least 24,000 people and was widely seen across social media. It was picked up by print media such as the Australian and broadcast on a widely-distributed Sky News Australia clip. Mention was made of the impressive credentials of the authors, who included two physics professors, an adjunct professor of physics and an agricultural meteorologist, and the wide variety of sources they had referenced.