Sunday, June 16, 2024



    from We Are Change:

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    How Is This Legal? Scientists In London Lab Just Created A Mutant Super Strain of COVID And It’s Reportedly Lethal


    by Alicia Powe, The Gateway Pundit:

    British scientists have reportedly deliberately created deadly hybrid Covid strains in a university lab in London.

    Twenty scientists at the Imperial College in London infected hamsters with mutant viruses including strains of the original coronavirus and parts of Omicron or Delta, according to the Daily Mail.

    Moscow Wants Answers Over Truss’ Alleged ‘It’s Done’ SMS to Blinken Moments After Nord Stream Blasts


      from Sputnik News:

      Europe lost access to up to 110 billion cubic meters worth of natural gas on September 26, when a series of explosions rocked the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines carrying Russian gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea. After a comprehensive, month-long investigation, the Russian military concluded that the Royal Navy was behind the sabotage.



        from The Last American Vagabond:

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        New “Hybrid Virus” Discovered: Flu and RSV Have Merged


        by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

        The influenza A virus and the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have merged to form a new “hybrid virus.” This gives the ruling class even more reason to bring back restrictions and further limit what people are allowed to do in the name of “public health.”

        “This kind of hybrid virus has never been described before,” virologist and senior author Pablo Murcia told The Guardian. “We are talking about viruses from two completely different families combining together with the genomes and the external proteins of both viruses. It is a new type of virus pathogen.”

        Americans Are Skipping MEALS and MEDICATIONS Because They Can’t Afford Them


          by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

          An unsettling survey by the  Nationwide Retirement Institute® found that the economic crisis is starting to have daily effects on Americans. Millions of people are now skipping meals, forgoing prescription medication, buying less nutritious food, and going without medical care.

          It’s a concerning sign of the times when an increasing number of people can’t afford to eat properly and take their medications. Both of these things could have serious health impacts going forward, and if they can’t afford to prevent those, how will they afford to pay for treading them?

          The Bank of England Central Bank Gold Price Rig Now Leads to Global Collapse


            from David Jensen:

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            Man Fought for Free Speech With ‘F**k the Police’ Sign so City Officials Turned His Life Into a Living Hell


              by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

              In the land of the free, freedom of speech has long been under attack and it is a bipartisan effort. Many of those complicit in the quelling of free speech are merely useful idiots and have no idea they are participating in one of the most effective forms of censorship humanity has ever seen.

              All people have to do to silence anyone with whom they disagree is to now claim their speech offended them or that it’s misinformation and that person is banned or suspended from social media, or, in some extreme instances, face legal action.

              Vanguard and Blackrock Own the Entire World: We Are Already a New Global World Order in the Making


                by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

                “Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations that’ve long since bought and paid for, the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pocket, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and the information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them.”

                George Carlin

                Bix Weir – The Good Guys Are Still In Charge & They Are Destroying The [CB] System


                  from X22 Report:

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                  CBDCs – The Pied Piper


                    by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

                    We all know the story: The Pied Piper has a magic flute that, when played by the piper, saves the people of Hamelin from a rat epidemic. When the townspeople fail to pay him for his services, he uses the flute to attract their children away.

                    In modern nomenclature, a pied piper is described as “a metaphor for a person who attracts a following through charisma or false promises.”

                    And that leads us to a discussion of Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDCs.

                    Bank for International Settlements Tests mBridge: Successful Pilot Of Cross-Border CBDC Platform


                      by Patrick Wood, Activist Post:

                      According to the BIS, the mBridge ledger is a “new native blockchain”, “custom-designed and developed by central banks for central banks, to serve as a specialized and flexible platform implementation for multi-currency cross-border payments.” This expansive blockchain technology will tie the world’s central bank system into a monolithic structure of financial control. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

                      Hospitals Made Hundreds of Millions for Death of COVID Patients


                        from The New American:

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                        Big Brother’s Playbook: US Gov’t Clandestine Program to Curb ‘Dangerous Speech’


                          from 21st Century Wire:

                          It’s what many suspected was happening. We should be shocked at how bad and brazen it really was.

                          This week it has been revealed how corporate operatives from Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, and LinkedIn and others, including the recently-fired head of “trust & safety” political censorship department at Twitter, Vijaya Gadde, held regular secret meetings with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to discuss ways in which partisan social media executives could assist the Biden campaign and subsequent Administration – in censoring a wide range of opinions, views and subjects – including the White House’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, as well as enforcing the government’s COVID-19 and lockdown narratives, and even enforcing “racial justice” speech online, according to new documents leaked to The Intercept.

                          Internet BITES BACK At Libs Of The Atlantic For Wanting To Declare ‘Pandemic Amnesty’


                            by Bo Banks, Big League Politics:

                            Far-left propaganda outlet, The Atlantic, published a weird piece today titled “Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty.” 

                            As one might expect from such a brazin headline like that, the internet had some thoughts. Especially considering how much was sacrificed over the past 2 years in the name of public safety.