Sunday, June 16, 2024

George Soros group gives $4.5 million to guarantee ‘right’ to abortion, sterilization in Michigan


    by Calvin Freiburger, LifeSite News:

    (LifeSiteNews) – A lobbying group belonging to far-left billionaire George Soros contributed $4.5 million to pass a proposed amendment to the Michigan Constitution that would enshrine state-level “rights” to abortion and sterilization.

    Canada Moves to Exterminate Mentally Ill


      from Moonbattery:

      It has become axiomatic: whatever Democrats accuse their opponents of, they are guilty of themselves. But even if liberals constantly call their opponents Nazis, surely they aren’t Nazis themselves — except maybe sometimes, as when Canada moves to expand medical assistance in dying (MAID):

      Bill C-7 would allow individuals seeking MAID to apply solely on the basis of a mental disorder. Prior to the bill’s passage, MAID eligibility was based on having a “grievous and irremediable medical condition,” according to a report from the Canadian government on the practice.

      Likewise, the Third Reich’s preferred treatment for those with debilitating mental problems was the final solution.

      Brain Damage From COVID Shots


        by Truth For Health Team, America Outloud:

        Petty Officer Becker, a healthy woman with 17 years in the US Coast Guard, describes her frightening ordeal with brain damage following the COVID shot that caused numbness, tingling, and paralysis of the left side of her body, difficulty walking, balance problems, and other neurological damage that has taken almost a year to improve to the point of regaining about 85% of normal function – though she is still not fully recovered.

        Her military commanders ignored her existing medical condition of thrombocytopenia (low blood platelets), which should have been a medical contraindication to getting the experimental COVID shot. Medical and religious exemptions were denied, even though she was entitled to either or both under UCMJ and the US Constitution.



          from The Alex Jones Show:

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          Lockdowns: The Great Gaslighting


            by Michael P Senger, The New Normal:

            The lockdowns of 2020 were very real. And few opposed them.

            More than two years since the lockdowns of 2020, the political mainstream, particularly on the left, is just beginning to realize that the response to Covid was an unprecedented catastrophe.

            But that realization hasn’t taken the form of a mea culpa. Far from it. On the contrary, in order to see that reality is starting to dawn on the mainstream left, one must read between the lines of how their narrative on the response to Covid has evolved over the past two years.

            If you are a mainstream media “journalist,” kindly state if you have pushed for any of the following hoaxes.




                from The Salty Cracker:

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                Three 2nd Circuit Judges, all in their 80s, Decide Traders Rigging Libor Wasn’t Really a Crime


                  by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

                  Life in the United States of America increasingly feels like a bad translation of a Kafka novel. We are specifically referring today to the arbiters of justice in our society – the men and women appointed as lifetime judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, federal appellate courts and federal district courts. These courts have now become Kafkaesque with no apparent means for the public to hold these judges accountable for their actions.

                  MUCH at STAKE! VOTE! On Election Day! All has Meaning! Musk, Infiltrators, Kyrie. PAIN! PRAY!


                    from And We Know:

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                    They Won’t Be Able To Deny The Cold, Hard Reality Of What Is Happening To The U.S. Economy Much Longer


                      by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

                      They are trying really hard to convince all of us that everything is just fine.  But close to one-fifth of the U.S. population is skipping meals because food prices are too high.  And nearly 40 percent of our small businesses couldn’t pay rent in October.  Our leaders are trying to put a positive spin on things, but the truth is that we are witnessing a tremendous amount of economic suffering all over the United States right now.  The core consumer price index just surged to “the highest level since 1982”, and this is putting an enormous amount of financial stress on American families and businesses.



                        from Arcadia Economics:

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                        $2.5 Quadrillion Disaster Waiting to Happen – Egon von Greyerz


                          by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

                          Egon von Greyerz (EvG) stores gold for clients at the biggest private gold vault in the world buried deep in the Swiss Alps. EvG is a financial and precious metals expert.  EvG is a former Swiss banker and an expert in risk.  He says the risk in the global markets has never been this high.

                          EvG explains, “Credit has increased dramatically through derivatives.  All instruments being issued now by banks, pension funds, stock funds, it’s all synthetic.  There is no real underlying payments in anything almost.  Therefore, my estimate for derivatives would be at least $2 quadrillion, and I think that is probably conservative.  Then, we have debt on top of that of $300 trillion, and we also have a couple hundred trillion dollars of unfunded liabilities.

                          Natalie Winters: DHS Leak On Censoring Dissenting Speech Involved Debanking Plan


                            from Bannons War Room:

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                            Canada is pro-death: The “world leader in euthanasia” is now considering medically-assisted suicide of children WITHOUT parental consent


                              by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

                              In 2021, Canada became the “world leader in euthanasia” – medically-assisting more than 10,000 people to an early death. Since 2016, Canadian medical authorities followed through with 31,000 euthanasia requests. Hospitals there have quickly become death camps, a macabre place where treatment and counseling is withheld, where hopelessness and suicide is encouraged.

                              As the depravity spreads, the Canadian Parliament is now considering a law that would allow medical authorities to assist minors into a medically-assisted suicide, without parental consent. If this sounds outlandish, here’s how far Canada has gone in just a few short years…