Wednesday, May 22, 2024

JUST IN – Kanye West to acquire social network Parler.


    ‘They have sold us fake vaccines’: EU politician calls on governments to cancel vaccine contracts


      by Kennedy Hall, LifeSite News:

      ‘Everyone who lied that [the] vaccines prevent the spread of the virus must be held accountable.’

      STRASBOURG, France (LifeSiteNews Croatian European Parliament MEP Mislav Kolakusic has called on the European Union to drop any contracts with COVID vaccine makers who he said had sold nations “fake vaccines.” 

      EU to Demand Holidaymakers’ Fingerprints and Facial Images at Borders in Latest Ramp-Up of Mass Digital Surveillance


        by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

        As of May 2023, the EU is to start demanding holidaymakers’ biometric data at its borders, greatly increasing both the level of surveillance in the bloc and the length of delays at transport terminals. Silke Carlo sounds the warning in the Telegraph.

        Brits hopping across the Channel will first have their fingerprints and photos taken. The new mass data-gathering scheme, which will go live in May, is part of the evolution of a so-called ‘Smart Border’.



          from Computing Forever:

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          Potential Juror Jailed for Not Wearing Covid Mask


            from Moonbattery:

            Joe Biden let slip that the pandemic is over. Nonetheless, Covid tyranny continues:

            There is no mask mandate in North Carolina, yet when Harnett County resident Gregory Hahn reported to the courthouse in Lillington this week without a mask for jury duty and refused to wear one, he was sentenced to 24 hours in the county jail with no bail for contempt of court.

            There are no signs saying masks are required in the courthouse. But a March 2022 joint order from Harnett and Lee County officials (the two counties that comprise this judicial district) grants individual judges or the Clerk of Superior Court or the District Attorney the right to require them in their courtrooms or personal offices.

            California: The Downward Spiral, Pt.2


              by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Tenpenny’s Eye on the Evidence:

              If you missed it, Part 1 of this article, find it here).

              On September 29, 2022, Gov. Gavin Newsom had a heyday signing away the rights of everyone living in California. In fact, of the 1,166 bills the legislature sent him to consider, he signed 997 and vetoed 169. This page reviews some of what has become state law.

              Obama Trashes Cancel Culture


                by Kurt Nimmo, Kurt Nimmo on Geopolitics:

                From the moment establishment Democrats began embracing wokeism and cancel culture, I knew it was a temporary affair, a short marriage of convenience designed to take down the opposing faction, disingenuously known as republicans, in particular “MAGA” republicans.

                Huxley’s Brave New World, Orwell’s 1984 & Animal Farm – America’s Thought Police


                  by Paul Engel, American Outloud:

                  America, and in fact, the world, is turning into a dystopia somewhere between Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984, with a little Animal Farm thrown in just for fun. As another example of this fall into tyranny, I give you America’s Thought Police. Orwell’s Thought Police was a group that monitored what people said and did, arresting them for thought crimes.

                  Today, we have government agencies working with media, big tech, and other corporations to not only silence dissent but ensure you are not exposed to ideas that go against progressive political ideology. If the idea of thought police and thought crimes in America doesn’t frighten you, I suggest you read Orwell’s 1984 for a view of what life is like under such a regime.

                  Score One for True the Vote


                    by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker:

                    Konnech is an election software company which provides Poll Chief software for election worker management. It is used in a number of counties, including DeKalb in Georgia, Washoe County, Nevada; Fairfax County, Virginia; Detroit, Michigan; Los Angeles County, California; Prince William County, Virginia; Johnson County, Kansas; and Allen County, Indiana.

                    Why The Globalist Elite Had To Destroy the Georgia Guidestones in 2022


                      from The People’s Voice:

                      TRUTH LIVES on at

                      Turns out that VAXXERS are a global menace to themselves


                        by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

                        First, the shilling folks at Pfizer and the CDC promised the nation that getting the Fauci Flu jabs would flatten the curve, stop the spread, and end the pandemic. Remember? They said if 90 percent of the population got the Covid-19 “vaccines,” then that 90 percent would be safe from the anti-vaxxers who are a “global menace” living in denial and danger. Surprise; the “global menace” turned out to be vaxxers who are dying at an insane rate. It’s true. The TRIPLE-VAXXED account for 94 percent of all Covid-19 deaths, revealing that the real ‘global menace’ is the Fauci Flu jab itself and all those who got it, push it, and still believe it works.