Sunday, June 16, 2024



    from Mark Dice:

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    Kevin O’Leary on Inflation: You Printed $7 Trillion in 30 Months. What Did you Think Would Happen?


      by Jon Miltimore, FEE:

      Unlike many, Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank is cutting right to the heart of things on inflation.

      Americans are facing 40-year high inflation and there’s been no shortage of discussion on the topic. It’s the number one issue on the mind of Americans heading into midterms, and every day on TV and in newspapers pundits are debating how long it will last and deciding who is to blame.

      JUST IN: Judge Overseeing Sandy Hook Case Freezes Alex Jones’ Assets


        by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

        A state judge overseeing the Sandy Hook case froze Alex Jones’ assets late Wednesday.

        Alex Jones is only allowed to spend money on ‘ordinary living expenses’ according to the judge’s order.

        “With the exception of ordinary living expenses, the defendant Alex Jones is not to transfer, encumber, dispose, or move his assets out of the United States, until further order of the court,” Judge Barbara Bellis said in the one-page order.

        B L A C K P I L L E D 😬


          from Paul Joseph Watson:

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          Will This Be The Last World Cup Ever?


            by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

            Are we about to witness the end of an era?  From November 20th to December 18th, people all over the world will gather around their televisions to watch the FIFA World Cup in Qatar.  It really is one of the very few things that unites the entire planet, and it is very sad to think that it could be the last one that we ever see.  After this one, the next World Cup is not scheduled to be played until 2026, and by that time our world will be a far different place than it is right now.  So this may be our last chance to see Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar, Mbappe, Lewandowski and the other great players of this generation represent their national teams at the World Cup level.

            The Election Won’t Change Much in DC. The Real Battle Is Now in the States.


              by Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute:

              The votes are still being counted, but one thing is already clear: very little will change in Washington after this election.

              The House of Representatives will likely be controlled by Republicans, but the majority enjoyed by the GOP in the House will be small. This will provide a veto over some of the worst legislation being pushed by the Biden administration, but history has made it abundantly clear that the GOP is more than willing to compromise and “work with” Democratic administrations rather than simply kill bills.



                from Pureblood:

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                The 3rd Largest Bond Market Is Flashing Red… Could a Financial Crisis Be Near?


                  by Chris MacIntosh, International Man:

                  At a macro level it is worth understanding that for US hegemony to continue to exist it has relied on a level of global order – legal, political, and always backed up with the military.

                  The Mackinder Doctrine

                  The Mackinder doctrine essentially states that “who rules the World-Island -mainly the area ruled by Russia- commands the world”.

                  EFF Files Amicus Brief Challenging Orange County, CA’s Controversial DNA Collection Program


                    by Jennifer Lynch, Saira Hussain, and Andrew Crocker, Activist Post:

                    Should the government be allowed to collect your DNA—and retain it indefinitely—if you’re arrested for a low-level offense like shoplifting a tube of lipstick, driving without a valid license, or walking your dog off leash? We don’t think so. As we argue in an amicus brief filed in support of a case called Thompson v. Spitzer at the California Court of Appeal, this practice not only impinges on misdemeanor arrestees’ privacy and liberty rights, but also violates the California Constitution.

                    Alarming Trends in Excess Deaths: “It’s An Epidemic of Sudden Death” – Ed Dowd


                      from The Vigilant Fox:

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                      Gov. Ron DeSantis heroically exposes the Democrat’s ongoing midterm election thefts…..


                        from State Of The Nation:

                        … and all he had to do was run a fair statewide election throughout Florida.

                        That’s it, folks.

                        End of story.

                        Oh, now you wanna know the back story.

                        Stanford tells doctors to give false information in order to overcome vaccine hesitancy


                          by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter:

                          I found a Stanford course used to train doctors worldwide on how to overcome vaccine hesitancy. Basically, they tell doctors to give false information. They truly believe the false narrative.

                          Here’s the link for the Stanford course that teaches doctors how to overcome vaccine hesitancy:

                          The Red Pill Video for Climate Change Believers


                            from The New American:

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                            Arizona’s Elections Are an International Embarrassment


                              from 21st Century Wire:

                              The latest from Arizona’s midterm election debacle: the state’s Democrat-run elections office is now claiming that they won’t be able to count all the votes until ‘some time early next week.’

                              Based on this, it should be pretty clear to everyone that those who were suspicious and raised serious questions about integrity and transparency of the disastrous 2020 election – have now been vindicated.