Wednesday, May 1, 2024



Video Shows Cash App Founder Bob Lee Begged Bystanders For Help After Being Stabbed, Got Ignored


    by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

    Cash App founder Bob Lee was captured on surveillance video begging bystanders in the streets of San Francisco to “Help!” while bleeding to death after being brutally stabbed only to get ignored.

    From The San Francisco Standard, “Slain Tech Exec Bob Lee Screamed for ‘Help’ in 911 Call After SF Stabbing”:

    Tech executive Bob Lee walked up an empty San Francisco street in the early hours of Tuesday gripping his side with one hand and his cellphone in the other, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

    13 Years Ago Julian Assange Published Collateral Murder: Now He Faces 175 Years For Exposing War Crimes


      by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

      Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange has been in prison for several years experiencing torture while he awaits possible extradition to the United States. All this for exposing truth.

      Yesterday marked the 13th anniversary of WikiLeaks’ publication of the Collateral Murder video. The video, which you can see below, shows how two US Apache helicopters participated in the unprovoked slaying of 11 Iraqi people including two Reuters journalists. Two young children involved in the incident were also seriously wounded.

      Bio-Criminals Must Be STOPPED: BRAVE Sheriffs Must Begin Seizing & DESTROYING mRNA Nanotech Shots


        from Stew Peters Network:

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        Why the Media Isn’t Going to Touch This School Shooting Plot in Colorado


          by Matt Vespa, Townhall:

          It’s buried in the Colorado Springs-based newspaper, The Gazette, but it’s not hard to figure out why the media isn’t anywhere near this school shooting plot that was foiled by authorities. When you read about the background of the would-be killer, the local press has committed acts of violence according to the rules outlined by the progressive Left. William Whitworth, 19, was charged with planning to commit mass murder at Timberview Middle School in Colorado Springs. In the affidavit, Whitworth’s sister doesn’t refer to the accused by male pronouns but as “Lily.” Whitworth is transgender, so you can see why no one outside of some local outlets wants to go near this one (via Fox 21 News):

          Top banker insists government should just take property to fight climate change


            from WND:

            ‘We are not getting investments fast enough’

            If the government needs more land for wind and solar projects – as part of Joe Biden’s agenda to turn the nation’s energy industry green – it should just take it.

            That’s the opinion of a banker, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon.

            Episode 2643: The Obliteration Of The Deep State, Preparing For 2025


              from Bannons War Room:

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              Video: Legislator Switches To GOP, Says Democrats “Villainize Anyone Who Has Free Thought”


                by Steve Watson, Summit News:

                “I will not be controlled by anyone”

                A North Carolina Democratic legislator handed a decisive victory to the Republican party Wednesday by defecting and ensuring a veto-proof majority.

                Announcing the switch, Tricia Cotham declared that “The modern-day Democratic Party has become unrecognizable to me and others across the state,” adding “I will not be controlled by anyone.”

                The Trans Agenda Exposed (Ep. 1986)


                  from The Dan Bongino Show:

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                  The Destruction of the American Male


                    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

                    The backbone and principal resource of every country is the male heterosexual population.  Without them there is no country, no births to take the place of deaths.  Men have the temperament and strength to fight and to lead. They protect women and children, property, borders.  They lead families, communities, businesses, and governments.  That has always been their role throughout history.  When men become effete, the society collapses.  In America this indispensable resource is being destroyed.

                    Breaking Down Alvin Bragg’s Flawed Indictment of President Trump


                      from Rudy Giuliani’s Common Sense:

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                      FINANCIAL COLLAPSE: Once again, Blackstone REIT is limiting investor redemptions


                        by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

                        Blackstone, the world’s largest “alternative” asset manager, appears to be going insolvent as it once again, for the second time in the past year, blocks withdrawals from its $70 billion real estate income trust (REIT).

                        Following “a flurry of redemption requests” in excess of the fund’s preset 5 percent net asset value limit for withdrawals, Blackstone decided to stop allowing investor withdrawals altogether to stop the bleeding.

                        George W. Bush Center supports anti-“disinformation” group, the worst “offender” in Twitter censorship demands


                          by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

                          The Global Engagement Center has been accused of being a censorship agency.

                          Elon Musk might think that the US State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) is, in his words, the “worst offender in US government censorship and media manipulation” – but this federal agency is not without its fans.

                          For example, the George W. Bush Presidential Center has just called for continued funding of the GEC – despite the fact this entity has flagged thousands of Twitter accountsand funds third parties to censor online speech.

                          BOMBSHELL REVELATION: State Department’s GEC, Soros’s Open Society, the EU, and UK Are Funding the “Disinformation Index”


                            by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

                            Unmasking the Disinformation Index: A pseudo-nonprofit that “blacklists” conservative news from online advertisers. 

                            Guest Post by Bob Bishop

                            The Constitution’s First Amendment allows freedom of expression from government regulations or restrictions; in other words, no censorship. The “fourth estate” term describes the news media that is the watchdog over the government. The amendment extends free speech to the independent media that delivers news and investigative journalism to the general public. Only a free press, based on truth and transparency, can effectively criticize and expose the government’s potential or actual wrongdoings.

                            Here’s Why the Restrict Act Will FAIL & the Deep State Will Soon COLLAPSE — Todd Callender


                              from Man in America:

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                              THE NORD STREAM GHOST SHIP


                                by Seymour Hersh, Seymour Hersh:

                                America’s Central Intelligence Agency is constantly running covert operations around the world, and all must have a cover story in case things go badly, as they often do. It is just as important to have an explanation when things go well, as they did in the Baltic Sea last fall. Within weeks of my report that Joe Biden ordered the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, the agency produced a cover story and found willing takers in the New York Times and two major German publications.