DATA: Americans Fear Their Own Government Spying on Them Almost As Much as Foreign Adversaries.


    by Jake Welch, The National Pulse:

    The majority of Americans are worried that their government is spying on them, according to a recent survey conducted by Rasmussen Reports.

    In a national poll of likely U.S. voters, Rasmussen Reports discovered that 74 percent of Americans – just under three-quarters of the population – are either “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” that the government is spying on them.

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    The results were, indeed, bipartisan, with 66 percent of Democrats and a giant 89 percent of Republicans sharing similar concerns about the secret activities of their government.

    Notably, there are more Republicans who are “very concerned” about their own government than foreign governments. Seventy percent of likely Republican voters are “very concerned” about the activities of their government – 3 percent more than those “very concerned” about foreign government spying.

    Only 25 percent of the population are either “not very concerned” or “not at all concerned” about government spying.

    Activities of Foreign Governments.

    The Rasmussen survey also revealed that there is not a wide disparity in how the American population feels about their government and foreign governments.

    Eighty-two percent of Americans reported feeling concerned about foreign governments spying on them – a difference of just eight percent.

    And that difference is reduced still regarding those who are “very concerned,” for they make up 52 percent of the population – a difference of only three percentage points.

    Seventeen percent of the population are either “not very concerned” or “not at all concerned” about foreign government spying.

    Trust in Political Parties.

    The poll also revealed that there is slightly more trust in Republicans across the political spectrum.

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    Forty-five percent of the population trusts Republicans more with issues of national security whereas 41 percent have more trust in Democrats.

    The vast majority of Americans, however, tend to trust their own political party to handle national security issues. Seventy-nine percent of Democrat voters trust the Democrats with national security issues. Whereas 85 percent of Republicans trust Republican Party more.

    The news comes shortly after Rasmussen revealed that most Americans do not believe the official January 6th “insurrection” narrative.

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