
    by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

    Since everyone’s attention appears to be focused on the meltdown at SillyCON Valley Bank, you might want to pay attention to this story spotted and shared by V.T.  Indeed, I suspect that those people entertaining the hypothesis that the meltdown was in part being driven by certain factions within Mr. Globalooney’s cabal to create a climate of opinion for ushering in Central Bank Digital Currencies is true.  Such a “currency”, it will be argued, would give central banksters the moment-by-moment surveillance capability to ensure that such banks do not indulge in such risky behavior in the future, and that this is an essential step to “safeguard and stabilize” the system…

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    … except, of course, that we’ve heard all this nonsense from central banksters before. Just recall the American financial crisis of the early 1900s, and the secretive meeting at Jekyll Island that gave us the likes of the Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal, nor a Reserve, but it “sounded nice” and was a name the banksters could sell to the American public via their progressive lackey in the White House, Woodrow Wilson. That may sound like a bit of an over-simplification of what happened, and perhaps it is, but not by  much and within a few tolerable decimal points and margins of error.  Those same people also gave you the income tax, World War One (funny how the Fed came into existence conveniently a little over a year before that war began), and a bloated and burgeoning federal government that has bombed, burned, bloated, bragged, and defrauded its way into the unresponsive monster that it is now, incapable of winning any war, or trust.

    Well, if you’re tempted by the idea of central bank digital currencies, you need to stop and ponder this story, and its implications for a financial system determined to go “all in” on central bank digital currencies:

    Now one wonders just what Wells Fargo was doing with that money during this miraculous glitch ex machina. This is an old banksters’ trick: use the period of the float to make money off of other people’s money. It’s that period between when a deposit is made at a bank, and the deposit clears at that bank. It’s the period that banks tell you “these funds will not be available for three days.” What they’re not telling you is that oftentimes, in today’s digital age, a deposit oftentimes clears in a matter of seconds, leave the bank free to play with your money for those three days.

    Now add a central bank digital currency to this process. Your deposit may not clear for several days, the number of days to be determined by how good – or bad – a little boy or girl you’ve been in supporting whatever narradigm or policy or behavior that they, the banksters, want supported.  Or suppose, just as you’re about to make that digital payment at the automated checkout line for your weekly allowed ration of climate-affirming synthetic meat, the system is taken down by the ET Mothership (see last Wednesday’s blog). The doors to the “grocery compound” immediately lock, the account is frozen, the cashier-robot yanks your purchases away from you to be restocked on the shelf, and you go hungry. (The cashier-robot wasn’t affected by the ET Mothership’s hack… you get the idea…)

    In short, let us be frank, and honest: there is absolutely nothing about this system that they want to put into place, that is safe, secure, stabilizing, or even human.  Nothing whatsoever.

    So quit feeding it.

    Quit using a debit card for every transaction.

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