
    from State Of The Nation:

    You had better know what you don’t know

    These are the 3 primary reasons why the Khazarian Cabal is forcing the closure of specific banking institutions before all banks are taken over by Big Government.
    People are totally missing the point(s) regarding these engineered bank runs and targeted bank closures. The true and dire reasons are as follows:

    TRUTH LIVES on at

    REASON #1

    It ought to be obvious by now that certain banks are being targeted for termination, yes?!

    In point of fact, there are three main categories of banks now being systematically shut down.

    First, there are the cryptocurrency-friendly banks which provide massive liquidity for the crypto-traders here, there and everywhere.  Without these cooperative banks, which facilitate billions upon billions of dollars of crypto-trades, the cryptocurrency industry is greatly hampered especially with regard to executing large transactions expeditiously.  The NWO globalist cabal wants all crypto, particularly Bitcoin, gone—FOREVER—so that they can roll out their CBDC without any competition. (CBDC = Central Bank Digital Currency). The Khazarian Cabal knows that state-sponsored CBDCs and privately issued cryptocurrencies cannot coexist in the same currency and/or investment space.

    Secondly, there are the many vulnerable independent banks which the Too Big To Fail banks want removed from the marketplace before the long-planned controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System begins.  All of the TBTF banks want those depositors quite badly in order to compensate for losing so many customers since the banksters have been outed.  Both the ‘public’ Central Banking Cartel and ‘private’ International Banking Crime Syndicate have been exposed as the primary funding agents for (i) genocidal regimes the world over (e.g. Ukraine & Australia), (ii) for the inveterate warmongering nations (e.g. US & UK), and (iii) for the various state actors which are in actuality prodigious terrorist organizations (e.g. Israel & Saudi Arabia).

    Too-Big-To-Fail Banks Flooded With Deposits As
    Bank Run Drains Small Bank Of Cash

    Thirdly, there is a very stealthy NWO conspiratorial plot afoot to completely remove all paper currency and metal coinage from the entire planetary civilization.  The cabal is especially determined to strip Americans of their money that is not kept in the banks, both personal and commercial (this is really why Biden hired 87,000 armed IRS agents).  Therefore, with these well-planned bank closures, they have begun the process of closing every bank with a storefront across the USA.  Simply put, no bank to walk into, no cash to withdraw.  Which means that all banks will eventually be targeted with closure. This top-secret institutional conspiracy is as serious as it gets because it conveniently paves the way to the rapid establishment of a CBDC-based economy.

    REASON #2

    The entire U.S. Banking Industry is being prepared for a total takeover by the U.S. Federal Government.  This covert plan will be implemented after the controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System is further along.  Banking, insurance, real estate, derivatives, carbon, etc. will all be in ruins after that devastating demo.  Once stocks and bonds crash and burn, currencies and commodities around the globe will quickly follow.  The globalists know that the only way to take over the American Republic is to disempower the US citizenry by squeezing off their liquidity and exerting maximum control over all monetary transactions.

    REASON #3

    The Khazarian Cabal knows that the only way forward to a fully functioning One World Government is via a One World Currency.  Hence, they are on a very serious mission to swiftly transition the world’s financial paradigm so that the resulting institutional arrangements fit nicely under the rubric of a centrally controlled One World Bank.  For only in this way will the cabal control freaks at the very top be able to exert complete command and control over every person on the planet.

    A worldwide social credit system can then be practically administered and strictly enforced when a global CBDC becomes the standard and only means for all transactions.  Monitoring every single CBDC transaction makes their job of running a totalitarian One World Government as a “Tyrannical Technocracy” quite easy compared to the international dumpster fire the cabal has to deal with today.  At the end of the day, every world citizen will be completely controlled via their ever-fluctuating social credit score, so they intend.

    The capital of the One World Government has already been identified as Jerusalem since the Khazarian Cabal has hardwired Israel  for that purpose since its very inception.  As with every single dramatic controlled demolition such as the 9/11 false flag terrorist attacks, the Khazarians have used Mossad to execute these black operations.  Which is exactly why the following suspicious move occurred, just as similar financial maneuvers took place prior to and after September 11, 2001.

    Israeli Banks Transferred $1 Billion Out of SVB Before Collapse


    Just because this very stark analysis is as accurate as it gets doesn’t mean that any of these Khazarian schemes are foregone conclusions.

    Although the exceedingly delusional globalists would like us to believe their New World Order implementation plan is virtually a fait accompli, it’s very far from it.

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