PROJECT BLUE BEAM: Coming to a sky near you!


    from State Of The Nation:

    Khazarian Cabal’s Crazy Convoluted
    Global Scheme of Distraction, Diversion
    and Misdirection during the Great Reset
    SOTN Editor’s Note: Beware, folks, everything is now pointing to the implausible and ridiculous execution of NASA’s long-planned PROJECT BLUE BEAM (PBB).  In point of fact, NASA, DARPA and the C.I.A. have poured trillions of dollars (taxpayers’) into producing what they expect to become “THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH”—EVER!!!  And, the worldwide theater is coming to a sky near you—FOR REAL!
    TRUTH LIVES on at

    Brought to you by NASA (Video)

    >The Khazarian Cabal has never been so desperate, and in dire need to, distract, divert and misdirect as they are right now.  Truly, THE TRIAD is facing a massive mutiny of scared minions across the planet.
    But why?! 
    THR GREAT SCAMDEMIC has been exposed in shocking detail.  Not only has the Covid killshot/clotshot been completely laid bare, so has the highly classified DoD plan to perpetrate a full-scale biowar against the American people.  Similarly, the true Zio-Anglo-American origin of the COVID-19 bioweapon (aka SARS-CoV-2) has also been revealed in glaring detail.

    Even more than the stunningly criminal Covid clusterf*ck, the Khazarians know that the wheels are coming off the biggest 18-wheeler of all (read: Global Economic & Financial System) ever fabricated under the sun.  They’re also well aware that once their semi crashes and burns right into their existing WW3 train wreck (read: Ukraine War), everything changes in a day and a night.

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