Abp. Viganò: The globalist New World Order has the marks of the ‘antichurch of Satan’


    by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:

    TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

    Rev 13:16-17


    In an interesting interview on Fox News titled The Church of Environmentalism, journalist Tucker Carlson has brought to light a contradiction that may have escaped the notice of many people but which I consider extremely revealing. 

    Carlson recalls that the American Constitution prohibits any state religion, but for some time the governing Democratic Party has imposed on the American people the globalist cult, with its green agenda, its woke dogmas, its condemnations and cancel culture, its priests of the World Health Organization, and its prophets of the World Economic Forum. A religion in all respects, all-encompassing not only for the life of the individuals who practice it, but also in the life of the nation that publicly confesses it, adapts laws and sentences to it, and inspires education and every governmental action around it.  

    Citizens are not required merely to share the motivations that justify the health, economic or social policies imposed by governments, but to give their blind and irrational assent, which goes far beyond faith. For this reason, it is not allowed to contest the psycho-pandemic, criticize the management of the vaccination campaign, argue the groundlessness of climate alarms, oppose the evidence of NATO’s provocation of the Russian Federation with the Ukrainian crisis, ask for investigations into Hunter Biden’s laptop or the electoral fraud that prevented President Donald Trump from remaining in the White House, or refuse to stand by as children are corrupted with LGBTQ obscenities. 

    After three years of follies incomprehensible to a rational mind but amply justifiable in a perspective of blind fideism, the proposal formulated by an American clinic to ask patients to give up part of their anesthesia so as to reduce their trace of carbon dioxide and “save the planet” should therefore not be read as a grotesque pretext to reduce hospital expenses to the detriment of patients,  but as a religious act, a penance to be accepted willingly, an ethically meritorious act.

    The penitential character is indispensable in this operation of forced conversion of the masses, because it counterbalances the absurdity of the action with the reward of a promised good: wearing the mask (which is useless) the citizen/religious adherent has made his own gesture of submission, has “offered” himself to the divinity (the State? the community?). A submission confirmed with the equally public act of vaccination, which represented a sort of “baptism” in the globalist faith, the initiation into worship.  

    The high priests of this religion have even reached the point of theorizing human sacrifice by means of abortion and euthanasia: a sacrifice required by the common good, so as not to overpopulate the planet, burden public health, or be a burden on social security.

    Even the mutilations to which those who profess gender doctrine are subjected and the deprivation of reproductive faculties induced by homosexuality are nothing more than forms of sacrifice and immolation of oneself: of ones body, ones health, including life itself (receiving, for example, an experimental gene therapy demonstrably dangerous and often deadly). 

    Adherence to globalism is not optional: it is the state religion, and the state “tolerates” non-practitioners to the extent that their presence does not prevent society from exercising this cult. Indeed, in its presumption of being legitimized by “ethical” principles to impose on citizens what represents an incontestable superior “good,” the State also obliges dissenters to perform the basic acts of “globalist morality,” punishing them if they do not conform to its precepts.  

    Eating insects and not meat, injecting drugs instead of practicing a healthy life; using electricity instead of gasoline; renouncing private property and freedom of movement; enduring controls and limitations of fundamental rights; accepting the worst moral and sexual deviations in the name of freedom; renouncing the family to live isolated, without inheriting anything from the past and without transmitting anything to posterity; erasing one’s identity in the name of political correctness; denying the Christian faith to embrace woke superstition; conditioning one’s work and one’s subsistence to respect absurd rules – all these are elements destined to become part of the daily life of the individual, a life based on an ideological model that, on closer inspection, no one wants and no one has asked for, and that justifies its existence only with the bogeyman of an unproven and unprovable ecological apocalypse.

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